Sunday, January 25, 2015

How to Stop Hair Shedding with Proper Hair Care?

Hair Shedding is a problem for millions of women, who for some unknown reason begin to shed handfuls of hair each day. The good news is that there is almost always a reason for hair shedding, and stopping your hair from falling out is often easier than you might think. Keep in mind that everyone sheds some hair each day, up to 100 hairs. Anything over that might indicate a problem and it might be time to head to a dermatologist or doctor to find out why.

First Steps in Diagnosing Hair Shedding

Before you can decide how to stop hair shedding, you must first know why you are shedding hair. A doctor will ask you several questions about your nutrition, and your hair care routines, then will order some blood tests. Blood tests will check for a variety of disorders and illnesses that might be at the root of your hair shedding. Your doctor may also decide to do an analysis on your hair to see if it is lacking in any particular nutrients.

Get Checked for Your Thyroid and Other Conditions

A blood test can reveal whether or not there are any medical conditions at the root of your hair shedding. Most common are thyroid disorders, diabetes, and other auto immune disorders. In many cases you will also have other symptoms of a medical problem, such as fatigue, dry skin, or weight loss or gain. Once medical conditions have been ruled out it is time to look at things such as diet and hair care.

One if the Simplest Things to Fix

Often hair shedding is a product of poor diet and nutrient deficiencies. The good news is that these are very easy to fix either by adding certain foods or supplements into your diet or by adding these nutrients directly to your hair. A spoon of molasses in a cup of warm water provides a wealth of important nutrients to your hair. Simply massage into your hair and into the roots, leave it for one hour and rinse.

Omega 3 fatty acids can be added both to your hair or your diet. Flax seed oil makes a great warm oil treatment, and flax, chia, hemp, and oily fish in your diet will also help your hair to shine and be less prone to hair shedding. Borage oil supplements can help to reduce inflammation and promote healthy sebum (scalp oil).

A mineral deficiency can also affect hair shedding. Important minerals for your hair include calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, and zinc. You can add these minerals to your diet by eating lots of vegetables, or you can take a mineral supplement.

Treating Your Hair Gently

If you know you have an issue with hair shedding, how your treat and care for your hair can make a big difference. Moisturizing your hair is essential, and you need to make sure the conditioning treatment you use gets all the way down to the roots. Use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, and a monthly deep conditioning treatment. You can also use leave in daily moisturizers and oil serums to help protect from both hair shedding and breakage.

When brushing your hair, brush from the tips up, gently removing tangles as you work. If you start at the roots you are much more likely to have issues with hair shedding and breakage. Make sure to use the right brush or comb for your hair, and do not over brush your hair.

With the right care your hair can remain healthy and strong, and you can keep hair shedding down to a minimum. Finding the right cause for your hair shedding is vital to being able to remedy the problem. If you are unable to stop hair shedding on your own, a trip to the doctor should be able to help you determine the reason for hair shedding and get your hair back on the right track to health once more.

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