Showing posts with label Hyperbaric Clinic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hyperbaric Clinic. Show all posts

Monday, February 2, 2015

Hyperbaric clinic – Effective Wound treatment

In normal circumstances typically the body heals its own wounds. The process takes a couple of weeks with minor injuries but longer with more challenging wounds. Sometimes the natural wound healing process does not work. A wound might be infected, or may be a repeated injury. Sometimes there is poor blood flow to the injured area or other health conditions such as diabetes that may prevent healing. More challenging wounds take time and extra care to heal properly. These may be crush injuries or various types of ulcers, including diabetic foot ulcers or radiation ulcers. They could even be complicated post-surgical wounds. Sometimes wounds won’t heal and you don’t know why. That’s where specialized wound care in hyperbaric clinic can help.

Hyperbaric clinics treat wounds and work to prevent recurrence by correcting contributing factors such as controlling infection and enhancing medical and nutritional status. In the United States, chronic wounds affect approximately 6.5 million patients. Hyperbaric clinics are staffed with a unique team of specialists dedicated to heal chronic wounds. The causes of wounds are complex and staff’s represents expertise in all of the major areas necessary to handle various circumstances and challenges.

On visit to hyperbaric clinics a wound care specialist gives a thorough examination to determine the factors hindering the body’s natural healing process. After this examination, a team of specialists develop a care plan tailored to specific needs of the patient. The plan will include one or more of the following items depending on the needs for example physical examination of the wound, complete medical history, nutrition analysis, vascular evaluation to measure oxygen and blood flow to the wound, infection control, topical treatment and dressings, compression therapy, surgical intervention and plastic surgery, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, education about diet, lifestyle and wound care measures patients can take at home to treat their wounds and prevent future wounds. The wound patients needs to bring all medications currently being taken, list of allergies, insurance information for verification, x-rays. Tests may be conducted to determine blood flow, tissue oxygenation, infection and clinics develop a treatment program based on assessment of individual needs.

Much of the success of the treatment depends on the patient who needs to follow directions carefully and watch healing progress closely. Through a personalized a educational approach to healing, the clinics are dedicated to helping patients on a swift road to recovery.

Treating wounds is a complex task. Each case is unique. The variety of different wounds handled in the hyperbaric clinic includes any wound failing to improve with multiple treatments or therapies. So if you want to get the most effective wound treatment visit your nearest hyperbaric clinic today.