Cellulite is a condition that affects people of all ages. From teenagers to grown up adults, cellulite can still strike. However, the type of medication that is appropriate for both extremes may differ due to health related issues. Since a person’s age deteriorates with age, they become more prone to health related complications and reactions from certain treatments. On the other hand, teenagers have tender and soft tissues hence the need to treat them with care for the delicate body tissues. Choosing the right kind of treatment is very important.
Cellulite refers to the fat deposits that occur beneath the skin and cause the skin to become dimpled and have an uneven surface. The uneven surface is caused by the pulling and pushing effect of the fatty cell tissues against the skin from the inside.
For teenagers, almost all available options are suitable for use. However, teen cellulite is not unhealthy and there is no effective cure to it. On the other hand, there are some activities that teens can do to improve their physical appearance and image. Teenage cellulite is also not a different type of fat from other cellulites. The only difference is that it is stored in different ways when compared to cellulite in adults. Teen cellulite normally occurs around the thighs, buttocks and thighs. It occurs just under the skin and not as deep as the cellulite experienced in adults. The appearance is also dimpled. Even thin teenager may still have cellulite because all teenagers have fat stored under the skin naturally.
• Eating an unhealthy diet. The chosen diet should be carefully picked out and should include all the necessary nutrients that the body needs for repair and maintenance.
• Eating a fad diet.
• A slow rate of metabolism. If the rate of metabolism is high enough, then it means that the body is not burning fat fast enough. The excess fat is therefore stored in the form of fat deposits under the skin and this causes cellulite to appear.
• Hormones within the body that stimulate the development of fat deposits.
• Dehydration due to lack of adequate water intake.
Some treatment to teenage cellulite include
• Eating a healthy diet that is composed of healthy foods such as fruits and vegetable. These foods contain all the essential nutrients that your body needs to repair the torn out tissues and build more muscle.
• Drink enough water. When the body is properly hydrated, this means that the body is able to cleanse itself from all the toxins that are produced in the body. It is also preferred that the water be ice cold. The body will burn a lot of fat so as to create enough energy to heat the water so that it can be utilized in the body.
• Do exercises regularly to build muscles. Exercises also help in strengthening the bones. By doing exercises, the body burns off fat resulting to loss of weight.
• Stay away from cigarettes or people who are smoking. This does not sit well your efforts to lose weight. Such activities only increase toxins in your body, which the body is trying to get rid of.