Showing posts with label Stop Premature Ejaculation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stop Premature Ejaculation. Show all posts

Friday, January 16, 2015

Premature Ejaculation Facts

Are you experiencing problems with premature ejaculation? Before seeking out treatment you need to know all the facts of this condition. Knowing what the premature ejaculation causes are and how to treat premature ejaculation causes will help you attack this problem head-on.

What is Premature Ejaculation?

Many men know they are ejaculating either before penetration or very shortly after penetration although they may not think much of it by brushing it off as being too excited. This is in fact a medical condition that over 90% of men face all over the world. In simple terms, premature ejaculation causes are simply defined as the inability to lengthen the amount of time it takes to ejaculate while having intercourse or masturbating. Most times this happens before his partner is able to ejaculate. This can be very frustrating although stressing about the problem will only make things worse. There ARE ways to fix this problem.

Am I Experiencing Factors of the many Premature Ejaculation Causes?

The factors of premature ejaculation causes are based on two things: genetic programming and extra responses from your nervous system. Here are the differences between the two.

• Genetic Programming: Genetic programming is most common of all premature ejaculation causes. This means that you have been programmed with inappropriate information about the relationship process with women allowing premature ejaculation causes to emerge.

• Extra Responses From your Nervous System: When your brain is firing a response to your reproductive system earlier than it should be, this is when premature ejaculation causes occur. This is most commonly seen in younger men rather than older men.

You Should Talk to your Physician about Treatment

When you begin experiencing these problems related to premature ejaculation causes it is important to contact your physician or a medical professional to start a treatment regimen. By medicating yourself without being advised by a doctor to do so you are setting yourself up for potential major health issues. If you don’t know what the premature ejaculation causes are you can’t treat it properly. Using medication for premature ejaculation causes requires seeing someone who has the knowledge and expertise on the types of medication that target both underlying premature ejaculation causes and the problem itself.

Attempting to combat problems associated with premature ejaculation causes on your own could lead to permanent health damage leaving you in a worse situation than what you are already in. You aren’t qualified to diagnose premature ejaculation causes. The main thing to keep in mind is to contact your doctor before embarking on any type of treatment regimen to ensure that you are curing your problem properly.

Premature Ejaculation Cream

If you have a problem with early ejaculation you may be trying to find ways to stop premature ejaculation from continuing to occur. One way to stop premature ejaculation is by using special creams to aid in increasing how long it takes before you ejaculate. This product is an extremely popular treatment method for men who are facing this inconvenient problem.

Since creams are not typically used to treat penile dysfunctions many men are skeptical to use them to stop premature ejaculation. You may be wondering how these creams work and if they work to stop premature ejaculation. While prescription and over-the-counter herbal supplements tend to be the treatment of choice for most men, creams are beginning to gain popularity. Every type of medication, whether over-the-counter or prescribed your doctor, has its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Premature Ejaculation Creams

If you have been dealing with this problem for quite some time and want to stop premature ejaculation quickly, these special types of creams will stop premature ejaculation even if only on a temporary basis. It provides a semi-permanent cure for this problem by increasing the length of time it takes for you to ejaculate. These creams stop premature ejaculation quickly and results are seen soon after you start using it.

One thing to keep in mind is that this cream is not a permanent cure to stop premature ejaculation. It provides a temporary solution and it doesn’t help address the underlying causes of your penile dysfunction. It temporarily helps to stop premature ejaculation  as well as helps with your self-confidence while you see a difference in how long it takes you to ejaculate during intercourse but, again, this is not permanent.

Disadvantages of Premature Ejaculation Creams

As with any type of medication there are also disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage of the cream is that it will stop premature ejaculation for a short period of time. It doesn’t stop premature ejaculation on a permanent basis and it doesn’t help you battle the underlying causes for this penile dysfunction. Another disadvantage is that if you are using these creams for long periods of time you may cause more damage leading to deeper problems with premature ejaculation. Using this cream with another type of treatment for premature ejaculation such as prescription medications will provide you with many benefits when used for short periods of time off and on.

If you are looking for a short term treatment option that will stop premature ejaculation quickly without causing permanent damage then these creams will work for you. Using them periodically, maybe during special occasions with your partner, in conjunction with another type of treatment will give you drastic positive results and you find that premature ejaculation is a thing of the past. You won’t have to worry about it rearing its ugly head every time you and your partner are intimate.