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Showing posts with label learn the ropes. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Efficient Ways by Which Semen Increment Can Be Achieved

It may be surprising but it is true that nowadays most men around the world are looking for ways to increase their semen volume. Many men want to see the volume of their ejaculated semen increase. They want to ejaculate more and gain personal pleasure and satisfaction. Also in order to impress and satisfy their partner many men want to increase their semen volume. There are various effective ways which can be followed in order to increase semen count.

Various Natural Solutions for Increasing Semen Volume

• There are various natural ways by which you can stay healthy and can increase your semen count and volume. For this the most important thing that you need to do is to stay properly hydrated. Maintaining the body well hydrated by drinking lots of water and healthy fluids is the most crucial measure that you need to take in order to enhance semen volume as well as to ejaculate larger amount of sperms. It is important to know that if the body is not properly hydrated, then there are high chances that the quantity of semen created would be less. So it is important that you consume lots of water to keep yourself hydrated all the time.
• Another important natural way to enhance your semen count is to consume zinc and other essential fats as both are equally important for the growth of the male sex hormone known as the testosterone. Generally zinc deficiency leads to reduced volume of ejaculation, semen count and even fertility problems. One of the most important sources of zinc is from animal protein as this source is most easily assimilated by your system.
• Apart from zinc the body also need the nourishment of fats like the Omega3, which helps in production of the male hormones, the testosterones. Some of the foods which contain the required amount of fats must be included to your everyday diet. Some of the effective sources of essential fats include nuts, beans, olives and olive oil are a few which can be really effective for semen increase.

Effectiveness of the Semen Enhancers

• Moreover another significant and effective natural way to increase semen is to take natural health supplements. These health supplements act as a very effective aid for increasing your semen volume. Their effectiveness lies in the high presence of amino acids like l-arginine, l-carnitine and  l-glysine which are helpful to achieve the desired semen volume. These semen enhancers increase your ejaculation volume to a great extent.
• These semen enhancers also help you to have very hard and strong erections due to increased blood circulation. Moreover it is also clinically proven that these supplements are very safe for intake. Due to its safety, intakes of these herbal remedies have become very popular among men who are looking for semen enhancements. Just ensure that before you consume them just consult your doctor so that you do not face any problems in future.

Thus if you follow these efficient and effective methods then you can easily enhance your semen counts.

Facts about Semen Load

One important goal for most men is maximizing on the ejaculate volume; that is, achieving a high semen volume. A high semen load is also a great confidence builder for men. An average ejaculation is usually anywhere between 1.5 ml to 10ml per ejaculation. This is equivalent to 1/3 to 2 tea spoons. Hypospermia refers to a condition whereby a man is ejaculating an abnormally low volume of semen load.

So as to achieve the highest ejaculation volume, it is important that you take the following steps:

Steps towards achieving high semen load

Ejaculation frequency: The peak ejaculation volume is reached after every 24 to 36 hours. Therefore, an ejaculation that occurs before 24 hours have passed from the previous ejaculation will definitely have a reduced volume of ejaculation.
Strengthening the floor of the pelvic muscle: this can be achieved by exercising and flexing the floor of the pelvic muscle. By doing this, you are able to stimulate blood flow to the genital organs which in turn provides adequate energy for increase semen load ejaculation. In addition, any form of cardio exercises is also beneficial since it employs circulation through the whole body.
Always stay hydrated: 98% of the total ejaculation volume is made up of water. If there isn’t enough water in your body then the volume of ejaculate that you will produce will be reduced. The semen load will also be thicker and possibly clumpy. Stay away from substances that are dehydrating such as coffee and alcohol or if you must take any of the two beverages, always be sure to compensate by drinking a lot of water.
Taking ejaculate volume pills: Ejaculate pills contain ingredients that your body needs to produce more semen load or ejaculate and sperm as well. All these ingredients are conveniently put into one small capsule pill. A daily dosage of this pill will ensure that your body gets all the required vital ingredients to produce semen load.

Benefits of increased semen load

• Increased semen load has both psychological and physiological benefits to a man. They include:
Intense orgasms: increased ejaculations leads to more intense, drawn out and longer orgasms. Longer ejaculations are by far more satisfying to men due to increased duration of the ejaculation.
Increased confidence and pride: when there is an increase in the ejaculation, you are bound to experience a big boost in your feeling of self worth and self confidence. Most men usually associate better performance and better sex with a larger semen load.
An increase in fertility and virility: with more semen load, sperm is more likely to successfully impregnate a woman. A high semen load means more seminal fluids and also stronger, well fed and more robust sperm.

Volume pills are the fastest and easiest way to increase your semen volume. These products provide your body with the necessary ingredients requited to produce a high semen load and reach high ejaculation volumes.

One of the most possible underlying causes of a low semen load is obstruction of the ejaculatory duct. However, it is normal for the semen load to diminish with age.

How Semen Enhancing Pills Work?

The need to enhance one’s general sexual performance and satisfaction is a universal issue. It is nowadays common to find individuals seeking to enhance their sexual experiences. One common method of increasing one’s sexual satisfaction is through the use of semen enhancing pills. Although their use is common, many individuals do not understand how these pills actually work in their bodies. Here is a quick guide on how semen enhancing pills work in one’s body to increase sexual satisfaction.

Types of Semen Enhancing Pills

In general, there are many types of semen enhancing pills. Their classification is based on their primary function in one’s body when used. A common type is the volume enhancing pills. These work to increase the volume of one’s semen. Increased semen volume translates to increased sexual pleasure and satisfaction. It is important to note, though, that volume pills work to increase the volume of semen only and not necessarily that of sperm. Using them, therefore, does not guarantee an increased sperm count. Another common type is that which works by increasing the level of the penile erection. These type works by safely altering the level of one’s erection for increased sexual pleasure. The last common type of semen enhancing pills entails pills that increase the sperm count. Although uncommon, some pills work to increase both the volume of the semen as well as the sperm count.


It is important for one to understand that the primary ingredients of semen enhancement pills are chemical compounds from plants that have naturally been known to have particular desirable effects of either increasing the volume of semen in ejaculations or enhancing the quality of an erection. Many of these compounds have been known to have aphrodisiac effects for quite long. Their use in semen enhancement pills is an assurance of the safety and effectiveness of such pills. Common compounds such as Zinc oxides, Solidillin and other amino acids such as L – Arginine and L – Cartinine make up the major components in such pills. These compounds, together with many similar others, have been commonly used to treat male- related health issues.


Primarily, semen enhancing pills work by stimulating the natural body processes that are responsible for sexual pleasure. Such processes include the production of testosterone, erection and production of semen. The ingredients in these pills enhance the levels of these processes, hence enhancing the general sexual experience. For instance, some ingredients in the pills work by increasing the general flow of blood in the body. This enhances the level of an erection. Also, some ingredients in the pills work by ensuring that the blood pressure and the rate of the heartbeat are maintained at safe levels during the process of sexual excitement. This enhances one’s performance and satisfaction. Also, key ingredients in volume enhancing pills work by increasing the general volume of semen produced during the time when one is sexually aroused.

Lastly, it is important for one to bear in mind the fact that the effectiveness of semen enhancing pills is also dependent on general safety measures observed when they are being used. Measures such as taking the right dosage when required and for the correct period of time can help one to have maximum benefits of using these pills.