Showing posts with label Bigger penis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bigger penis. Show all posts

Friday, January 9, 2015

Long Penis Advantages

Having a longer wider penis has advantages for both males and their partners making the sexual experience more pleasurable. Ejaculating at the appropriate time further enhances intercourse. For these reasons, many males seek treatment for premature ejaculation as well as for a longer penis. Before the treatment for premature ejaculation as well as a longer penis can be initiated, the patient needs to be assessed, diagnosed and the cause of the problem identified. This will ensure that he/she gains maximal benefit from the treatment for premature ejaculation as well as a longer penis.

Diagnosis of premature ejaculation

The first step for the treatment for premature ejaculation is to diagnose the patient. Primary premature ejaculation is the type that has occurred for the lifetime of the patient. The treatment for premature ejaculation of this type will vary from secondary premature ejaculation. Secondary premature ejaculation is the condition that occurs when the male ejaculates normally formost of his lifetime, but due to a certain change, develops a problem. An in depth history will help identify the cause of the secondary cause of premature ejaculation and allow for better treatment for premature ejaculation.

Causes of premature ejaculation

The causes of premature ejaculation can be grouped into psychological or biological. Psychological causes of premature ejaculation include stress, anxiety, temporary depression and over-excitment. Relationship problems between the partners may also cause premature ejaculation and other sexual problems. In such cases the treatment for premature ejaculation as well as a longer penis should include counseling for the affected male as well as his partner. Biological causes of premature ejaculation include neurological disorders that may be a result of trauma or surgical procedures. The treatment for premature ejaculation as well as a longer penis in such cases is very difficult and in most cases not possible. Abnormal hormonal levels such as thyroxine levels in the body can contribute to premature ejaculation. The treatment for premature ejaculation in these patients involves the correction of the hormonal disorder by supplementation or blocking the action of the hormone. Infections of the prostate and urethra can cause premature ejaculation. Treatment for premature ejaculation in these patients is fairly straightforward, achieved with the use of antibiotics to manage the infection.

Treatment options

Psychological causes of premature ejaculation may be resolved by the squeeze technique. The partner gently squeezes the end of the penis on the underside where the shaft and head meet for a few seconds to eliminate the urge to ejaculate. This can be repeated a number of times during intercourse until both partners want the patient to ejaculate. Another method is to masturbate before having intercourse to prolong the time it takes to climax during intercourse. Certain antidepressants have a side effect of delaying ejaculation. These antidepressants may be prescribed for the treatment of premature ejaculation in patients with underlying psychological causes.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Penis Enlargement Home Remedies

Men have been trying different types of penis enlargement home remedies for many generations. It is a well-known fact that the male penis size is directly related to his ego. This means that the larger and thicker his penis, the larger his ego. While the man’s genetic make-up dictates the size of his penis, there are various tried and tested methods to increase the penis size and delay ejaculation.

A larger penis increases the man’s confidence at both a social and professional level. Furthermore, along with delayed ejaculation ability, it enhances the sexual experience and increases sexual confidence.

There are many websites and a lot of media surrounding the different ways in which the penis can be enlarged and ejaculation can be delayed. Some of the products and techniques enhance the overall sexual experience.  As far as home remedies or natural supplements go, you will come across one or more of the following ingredients. Below is a brief description of what each of these does and the role it plays in controlling ejaculations and enlarging the penis. You may want to investigate these remedies further if you want to increase your penis size and delay ejaculation the natural way.

Most of the remedies that increase the size of an erection do so by increasing blood flow to the penis and groin muscles.

• Raw garlic is a natural aphrodisiac that renews sexual vitality in men. It is useful to note that the scent of the garlic may not be attractive to the partner
• Black raisins boiled in milk to restore vitality
• White onions increase the male libido. Once again, their scent is not stimulating to the partner
• Dates, quince seeds, pistachios and almonds, dried up, ground and mixed act as libido enhancers and improve the ejaculation
• Ladyfingers, ground with milk and rock sugar may help overcome sexual impotence and poor ejaculations
• Carrots (or ginger), dipped in honey and consumed with a half boiled egg increases the penis size. An alternative is raw carrot juice with hone
• Walnuts mixed with honey in equal parts followed by a glass of milk increases the size of the penis
• Ground carrots heated in milk increases the penis size
• Walnuts, apricots, raisins, prunes, lemons all ground up and topped with honey increases penis size
• Extract of the cuscuta seed may be used to delay ejaculation and increase fertility by decreasing the sperm death rate
• Ginkgo Biloba increases blood flow to the penis, leading to larger and harder erections
• Tribulus Terrestis increases the strength and size of an erection
• Damiana is an aphrodisiac that provides for a longer erection and prolonged ejaculation
• Catuaba enhances sexual performance by firing up the nervous system

Another interesting way to increase penis size at home is by prolonging the ejaculation. In this way the muscles in the penis are being stretched while having sex. Doing this regularly will eventually increase the size of the penis and lead to better sexual satisfaction for you and your partner

Penis Enlargement Drugs

There are numerous penis enlargement drugs available in the market today. Most of the effective penis enlargement pills only enhance the length of the penis; very few actually increase the girth of the penis. Other pills focus on premature ejaculation. It is important to note that most males, who desire a longer and thicker penis, actually have a normal penis size, even though they may consider it to be small for one reason or another.

Pills to increase the penis size and prevent premature ejaculation are mainly herbal supplements that are made from a combination of herbs from different parts of the world. Some of these herbs have been used by the Middle Eastern, Far Eastern and African cultures for centuries through many generations. Present day penis enlargement and premature ejaculation pills are manufactured by careful testing of these herbs and supplements and blended in the correct concentrations to achieve the effects that are listed on the packaging.

Males want a larger penis for an enhanced sexual experience and improved performance. Using penis enlargement drugs for increasing the size of the penis and premature ejaculation is a safer alternative to dangerous surgical procedures, hanging weights or exercises. In fact, many users that have tried more than one method of increasing penis size and preventing premature ejaculation claim that the penis enlargement drugs are the only method that actually works.

As far as premature ejaculation is concerned, there are other techniques available that have worked for some males. These include:

Distraction and Relaxing: Focusing on the problem, or worrying about premature ejaculation will actually only make it worse. If you enjoy the sexual experience and, take deep breaths you are less likely to have a premature ejaculation
Foreplay: Foreplay should be used to build up the intensity of the intercourse. Taking time during foreplay helps a male last longer and avoid premature ejaculation
Condoms: The use of condoms has been shown to increase the duration of the sexual intercourse by three minutes on average than men who don’t use condoms. 
Ballooning and edging: Ballooning and edging is a technique whereby you train your body to build up to ejaculation and then stop just before the ejaculation. This way you start building up all over again teaching your body to last longer.

It is important to be able to have enough knowledge about all the penis enlargement drugs and drugs that prevent premature ejaculation as there are many ineffective drugs on the market. Only a handful of drugs have been scientifically tested and backed by user’s testimonials.

The penis enlargement drugs are absorbed into the bloodstream within a short time and distributed to the various tissues where they have their effect. The primary mode of action of most of the penis enlargement drugs and drugs for premature ejaculation is the increased blood flow to the penis. This leads to a harder, stronger erection, prevention of premature ejaculations, more intense ejaculations and an increase penis length and girth.