After using cigars for a long time, many people find it quite difficult to stop smoking. This results from addiction and lack of strong will power to desist from taking another cigar. Majority of smokers will start the habit as fun only to realize its negative effects when they are already into it and are addicted. It is at this point that they start seeking ideal ways to keep off the habit. Due to the popular belief that it’s difficult to stop smoking many will shy away from working out the necessary models hence remaining victims of their own making.
It is the subconscious mind which reminds a smoker that a puff is required. The subconscious mind has a strong control of the body’s involuntary activities. This means therefore that upon making the decision to stop smoking you are required to reprogram your mind that you are no longer a smoker. This can be done by repeatedly shouting to the brain the message until such a time that it sticks. This will with time reduce the craving for smoking thus marking the first and essential step.
Avoid keeping cigarettes that can be smoked. Seeing the non smoked cigars will create the urge to go for one at times with the belief that it will be the last one. In their place you may consider having a packet with cigarette butts and a bottle of water. Upon feeling the urge to smoke, open the packet with the butts and take a big whiff. The disgusting smell will make you hate smoke even more and after that take a sip of water as a reliever.
Caffeine is one of the addictives contained in the cigarette. When trying to stop smoking the urge to try out other substances which contain caffeine is high. This is available in both coffee and sodas. The urge to take excessive amounts of these is quite high and since their absorption is much slower when compared to nicotine contained in cigars. Reducing the intake progressively will work a great way in reducing the craving. The intake of coffee should be limited to two cups a day on the higher side.
Cranberry juice is essential in cleaning the nicotine from the body system. Whereas the body may take up to 3 days to clean nicotine from the system, this juice will speed up the process. One of the challenges in quitting is the taste in the mouth which tells you that you need a cigarette. This can be addressed by cleaning the mouth regularly. Using white wine vinegar is also important as it leaves the mouth with a clean and fresh taste.
Taking up exercises is ideal way to rid you of stress associated with after effects. Taking water regularly is also ideal to keep the body hydrated and as well increase the body’s metabolic system. These steps are essential in rebuilding the body from the harmful effects of smoking. To stop smoking, all is required is will power and following the instructions which work well for you. There are many modalities which can be put into practice, but not all that work for everyone.