Saturday, February 7, 2015

Common Stop Smoking Aids

Overcoming nicotine addiction is a slow process that requires commitment, focus and a strong sense of direction. There are many aids that can be used to help one completely overcome this habit. Here is a quick guide on common stop smoking aids that are in use.

Common Products

To begin with, there are a number of commonly found products that can act as effective stop smoking aids. This is because of their ability to help reduce the strong cravings for smoking that characteristic the first few weeks when one is under a programme that seeks to help stop smoking. Products such as baking soda, vitamin C and vinegar can help one stop smoking, when used over a long period of time. They work by helping to reduce the strong urge to smoke. This urge is a common phenomenon in all individuals who are under a quitting programme. For instance, using vinegar to clean the mouth helps to maintain a fresh feeling which; in the process; helps to overcome the urge of smoking again. On the other hand, taking vitamin C supplements helps to replenish what has been depleted through smoking. Also, the alkaline nature of baking soda can help reduce the urge to smoke. This can be of great importance particularly during the first two weeks of a quitting programme when the desire to smoke becomes very strong. The advantage of these products is that they are easily available and can serve as effective stop smoking aids to anyone.

Commercial Products

Commonly known as nicotine replacement therapies, these form one of the most common commercial stop smoking aids in the market. The essence of their effectiveness is that when properly used, these products provide a minimal amount of nicotine over a long period of time. Unlike actual smoking, using these products ensures that one slowly gets over the nicotine addiction as well as avoiding the large amounts of carcinogenic substances contained in cigarettes. There are many types of this therapy, but all of them work in the same manner which is: providing limited amounts of nicotine to the user which helps one to cope with both the physical and psychological needs of nicotine addiction. If used properly, products such as stop smoking patches, the electronic cigarettes and nicotine nasal spray can act as effective stop smoking aids. One important thing to note is the fact that these products can only work when one is actually undergoing a quitting program; using these products while still smoking renders them completely ineffective.

Other additional products that can be used as effective stop smoking aids include cranberry juice, hydrogen peroxide and niacin. These are common products that work by either reducing the craving to smoke (as is the case for cranberry juice and hydrogen peroxide) or replacing minerals lost as a result of smoking (niacin). Also, there are many other products that fall under the category of commercial products. Their main mode of action is that they provide a slow, safe and steady supply of nicotine to the body; thus allowing one to gradually overcome addiction to nicotine.

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