4 Reasons to Immediately See Your Dermatologist for Plaque Psoriasis or Any Form of Psoriasis:
Are you experiencing a lifelong condition such as plaque psoriasis or any form of psoriasis, if yes, it’s very important to see your dermatologist who specializes in psoriasis. If you don’t have a trusted dermatologist you go to on a regular basis, ask your family doctor to refer you to a dermatologist.
If you are local to Orange County CA, and can travel to Newport Beach, CA Premier Dermatology Associates of Orange County would love to help you.

If you do need your family doctor to refer you to a dermatologist in your area, you will want a dermatology who offers the following:
1. Has advanced knowledge of plaque psoriasis and all forms of psoriasis
2. Understands which medicines can treat plaque psoriasis from inside the body, rather than treating the skin symptoms
3. Has successful experience treating many people who have similar symptoms of plaque psoriasis
4. Knowledge to make sure you get the medicine that’s best for you
Ask the Following Questions at Your Next Dermatologist Appointment:
• How are internal medical treatments different from treatments that go directly on my skin?
• Is internal medicine a good alternative and, are there any side effects to be concerned with?
• Am I ready for a biologic treatment?
• Can you help make my everyday activities easier?
• How long will it take to see positive treatment results?
• Will my joint pain, stiffness and or swelling go down?
The Staff at Premier Dermatology Associates of Orange County and American Board of Dermatology Certified Doctor Melissa Watcher, Doctor Susan Cox and Doctor H. Tina Kim welcome your visit to our office.
We look forward to treating your concerns and making the quality of life better for you.
If you prefer to contact online to our Newport Beach Dermatologist.
Please call us today to schedule an appointment: 949-251-0427
We are providing providing the highest level of patient care in Costa Mesa, Santa Ana & Laguna Beach, Irvine, Mission Viejo, Newport Coast & Laguna Niguel, Aliso Viejo, Lake Forest, Fountain Valley & Huntington Beach, Balboa, Corona Del Mar & Tustin, California
Please call us today to schedule an appointment: 949-251-0427
We are providing providing the highest level of patient care in Costa Mesa, Santa Ana & Laguna Beach, Irvine, Mission Viejo, Newport Coast & Laguna Niguel, Aliso Viejo, Lake Forest, Fountain Valley & Huntington Beach, Balboa, Corona Del Mar & Tustin, California
Newport Beach, CA 92660
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