Showing posts with label cellulite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cellulite. Show all posts

Monday, February 9, 2015

How to Get Rid of Cottage Cheese Thighs?

No matter where you look today, there are companies telling you they know how to get rid of cottage cheese thighs, the dimpled look a person can end up with when they have an excess of cellulite. The problem with the vast majority of these products, is they claim to offer a permanent form of cellulite reduction.

Short Term Results - Long Term Promises

Many of the cellulite reduction treatments claim to give you "amazing results" in as little as 24 hours. They go on to say that you can get rid of those cottage cheese thighs and dimpled buttocks literally forever. While this might sound great, you need to remember the old adage, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."

According to a statement made by members of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in May of 2011, the vast majority of the non-surgical cellulite reduction treatments on the market do not offer a long term solution. However, despite the claims of these same surgeons, most of the surgical procedures also do not offer any form of permanent cellulite reduction.

What is Cellulite?

• Approximately 85 percent of women are or will be affected by cellulite and will seek out some form of cellulite reduction treatment in their lives. Cellulite is in fact a normal fat which builds up in the body of both sexes. It attaches itself to the fibrous connective tissues under the skin. This results in the dimpled or "cottage cheese" appearance as it can leave bumpy deposits in some areas and cause the connective tissues to retract in others.
• The general appearance can be mild in most people, but may become more prominent in someone who has undergone some weight loss. The intent behind cellulite reduction treatments is to first help remove the buildup of extra fat, and second to help smooth out the person's skin and eliminate the dimpled appearance.

A Common Misunderstanding

• One of the biggest misunderstandings amongst those seeking any form of cellulite treatment centers on the idea you should only have to use them until your cottage cheese thighs are gone. This is simply not the case, whether you are using a cellulite reduction cream or undergoing liposuction surgery. None of these can offer you a permanent solution unless you take additional steps to keep the fat from reforming.
• Many of the latest cellulite reduction cream offer excellent results and may even start providing you with noticeable results within a few days. The problem with many of them is that the results you achieve while using them are very short lived, something many of the manufacturers fail to tell you. The reality is if you want the results you have achieved to last, you need to keep using the cellulite reduction product you have chosen.
Just Like Diet and Exercise

When you do finally choose a form of cellulite treatment, the effects are only going to last for a short period of time. Many are just like being on a diet and exercising, the results you achieve are only going to last for as long as you continue to use them.

However, if you add in a healthy diet filled with fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, lean meats, and grains, you can speed up the process. Learning how to get rid of cottage cheese thighs is a matter of finding a cellulite treatment that works for you. This should be one that not only helps you achieve the desired results, but one which you have no problem using on a continuous basis.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Get Rid of Cellulite on Your Thighs

Make no mistake men love to look at women's legs just as much as women love to show them off. Whether it is wearing short shorts or skimpy miniskirts, there is something about a well-defined, smooth pair of legs that everyone seems to love. For those who are battling the dimpled look of excess fat under the skin, finding the best way to reduce cellulite, and get rid of the cellulite on their thighs can become almost an obsession.

Can You "Cure" Cellulite?

One of the biggest questions regarding the different ways to reduce cellulite most people ask, is can you "cure" cellulite? Whether or not you can actually cure it needs to be based on what your concept of curing it is. Do you mean cure it in the sense of getting rid of the buildup of cellulite in your thighs and buttock forever? If so then the answer is quite simply, no you cannot. Cellulite is present in everyone to at least some degree. It is a natural fat deposit which occurs in different levels in each person.

There are so many surgical procedures, creams, lotions, pills and non-surgical procedures advertising themselves as "cures" for cellulite. Most do offer at least a short term way to reduce cellulite, but none can give you a permanent cure after only one session or series of uses. This is where so many people end up being misled and end up feeling cheated. Once they use a product or undergo surgery to reduce cellulite, it only ends up returning.

Take the First Step

The good news is that you can take the all-important first step to reduce cellulite yourself, in the comfort of your own home. This involves modifying your diet to include a much larger variety of fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meats, fish, grains and nuts. The idea is to eliminate as many saturated fats and unhealthy foods as possible, which contribute to the formation of cellulite in your body.

Another major step you can take to reduce cellulite is to remove things such as carbonated soft drinks, coffee, and alcohol from your diet. All of these have been proven to cause the formation of these fat cells. The best thing you can do to reduce cellulite fat formation is to start eating a low fat diet and then stick with it.

Hit the Gym

Along with switching to a fat free diet, the next best thing you can do to reduce cellulite is hit the gym. The more you exercise, the lower the levels of fat in your body are likely to be. To a point the more you exercise, the more calories and fat you will burn. But there are at least two caveats to this.

• One, you must be prepared to start a good workout which includes both cardio and muscle toning exercises, and be prepared to stick with it.
• Two, you should not be surprised if after a time your weight stabilizes and starts to go up. This is because once you reduce the cellulite and the weight associated with it, you will start gaining muscle weight.

This can actually be a good thing as the muscle tone will help to keep your skin stretched and smooth, eliminating the "cottage cheese" look caused by the buildup of cellulite.

A brief word about the creams used to reduce cellulite. Many of the top brands can be used to help get rid of cellulite on thighs, but they should be used as per the instructions and they should only ever be used as part of your complete program to reduce the cellulite levels in your body and restore the natural smooth skinned beauty of your thighs.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Best Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite - A Cellulite Treatment Which Actually Works

Do you have cellulite buildup on your thighs or buttocks you would like to get rid of? According to "The Cellulite Solution: A Doctor's Program for Losing Lumps, Bumps, Dimples, and Stretch Marks" by Dr. Howard Murad M.D., approximately 90 percent of all women have at least some cellulite. Of these, the vast majority are looking for an effective cellulite treatment. Studies indicate that eliminating the unsightly bumps and dimples caused by excessive amounts of cellulite is one of the top issues with today's women.

How Cellulite Creates an Unsightly Appearance?

Cellulite is a form of fat which attaches itself to the connective tissues in the middle layers of a person's skin. When this happens, the cellulite pulls on the skin, doing so more in some areas than others. This results in the uneven or dimpled appearance of the skin. This unnatural appearance is why so many women and men spend so much time and money searching for a cellulite treatment. They want one which will not only get rid of the excess buildup of fat, but will help to restore the smooth, youthful, and natural appearance of their skin. This is something that very few of the different types of cellulite treatment can successfully achieve.

Laser Cellulite Treatment

In February of 2012, a new form of laser cellulite treatment received approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This is considered to be a surgical procedure and as such underwent a full two years of clinical trials before the FDA would give its approval. According to cosmetic surgeons, this new procedure may in fact be one of the best ways to get rid of cellulite available today.

• One reason this form of cellulite treatment is considered to be so effective by many, is that not only does it eliminate the excess fat cells, but as long as you follow the recommended diet and exercise program, they will not come back.

How Does this Cellulite Treatment Work?

Bear in mind that using a laser for cellulite treatment is in fact considered to be a surgical procedure. You will experience bruising and pain with this treatment. Those areas treated will become red and may be painfully swollen in the areas surrounding the locations of the incisions made by the surgeon. You may also experience some bleeding from the incisions, and you will need to wear compression garments covering these areas for a period of time to ensure complete healing.

• As part of the cellulite treatment, the surgeon will use the laser tool to melt the pockets of excessive fat where they have bulged into the mid-layer of skin. This is to eliminate the bulges under your skin. The laser will also cut the fat from the connective tissues, this releases them so that they no longer pull on the skin, creating unsightly dimples. Finally the procedure is designed to stimulate the body into producing more elastin and collagen, which adds thickness to the skin and gives it a more youthful appearance.

Expense and Success

As this new procedure is being advertised as one of the best ways to get rid of cellulite, it only stands to reason that it would also be one of the most expensive forms of cellulite treatment currently on the market. Average costs are currently (as of 2013) estimated at between $7,000 and $10,000, depending on where the treatment is performed and how extensive the buildup of cellulite has become. Success rates are currently estimated to be in the range of 90 to 95 percent.

As long as the person who has undergone this form of cellulite treatment maintains a healthy lifestyle and diet, the results are considered to be permanent. However the procedure is still relatively new and has not been around long enough for long term studies to have been completed.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Legs - Treatment for Cellulite

Treatment for cellulite on your legs can be quite easy to find. It is easily recognizable by the dimples, ripples, and bulges on your legs as a result of fatty deposits that are trapped under the skin and connective tissue. It appears more often in women and poses more of a problem. A common myth is that the more weight you gain the more cellulite you have. In fact, cellulite is more noticeable as you LOSE more weight. It can show up on people of any size due to stress, genetics, poor diet, and lack of exercise.

When considering all of the different methods of treatment for cellulite, you should know how cellulite forms and develops on your legs. Cellulite can be linked to a person’s metabolism which is regulated by how much and what a person eats and how often he or she exercises. Poor diet and nutrition is the number one cause of cellulite along with lack of exercise. One of the best methods for the treatment of cellulite is to exercise on a regular basis doing targeted leg exercises and eating a well-balanced, healthy diet.

Treatment for cellulite has been designed to be easy and accessible to anyone wanting to get rid of leg cellulite quickly. Rather than spending a ton of money on methods that may or may not work can get expensive and not to mention frustrating when you aren’t seeing the desired results. With all the creams and lotions on the market it is important to know that they don’t get rid of the fat that causes cellulite; they smooth out your skin to reduce the appearance of cellulite making your skin look smoother and healthier.

What people don’t realize is that if they are not eating a well-balanced diet, you are essentially starving your body of the vitamins and nutrients it needs. Your body will go in to starvation mode where it stores anything it can as fat. This fat storage will appear as leg cellulite. One of the methods of treatment of cellulite is to eat a diet that is high in good proteins such as lean meats as well as plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Another treatment for cellulite is drinking plenty of water and keeping your body hydrated. It is advised to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day if not more. You should drink half your weight in ounces of water. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds you should drink 75 ounces of water per day. If you weigh 200 pounds, you should drink at least 100 ounces of water per day. This treatment for cellulite is probably the most effective as you will not only rehydrate your skin you will also flush out waste and toxins from your body to prevent the build-up of cellulite. Drinking sugary drinks filled with sodium or eating processed foods (canned foods, frozen foods, pre-packaged foods) will retain water making you bloated. Retaining water isn’t good for the body as it doesn’t flush out the toxins that are causing your body to turn those into fatty deposits leading to cellulite in your legs.

Another very important treatment for cellulite in your legs is to engage in regular exercise. Develop a daily routine that will target the muscles in your legs and will burn off plenty of calories and fat at the same time. Some targeted exercise for your legs include weight training, leg squats and leg raises, and exercises that keep your legs moving such as walking, swimming, or running. This will help tone the muscles under the skin providing less fat cells for cellulite to attach itself to. These targeted exercises are an excellent treatment for cellulite not to mention good for the overall health of your body.

A less well-known treatment for cellulite is massages and brushing your body. Brushing your body helps with blood circulation and massages help moving any toxins and waste through your body. Special creams can be used with massages to help your body in getting rid of cellulite and are being noticed as an effective treatment for cellulite for removing cellulite on your legs.

Another treatment for cellulite that has just recently hit the market is a cellulite patch. The main ingredient in these patches is caffeine which has been known to be an excellent fat burner. The patches are made from red algae and have been proven to be effective for many women. You wear the patch for a certain period of time and it literally melts cellulite fat on your legs rather quickly.

More dangerous treatment for cellulite that is used by many women includes laser cellulite removal, liposuction, and surgical removal of fat on your legs. These treatment methods are expensive and are not guaranteed to work. Most health insurance plans do not pay for these types of surgeries making it very costly for anyone wanting to go this route. There are also many risks involved with these surgeries.

When considering the many different methods of treatment for cellulite it is important to know that not all methods will work for everybody. If you want to lose excess leg cellulite it is best to start with lifestyle changes first before moving on to using creams and getting body wraps. You can include creams and lotions in your daily routine to help reduce the appearance of cellulite on your legs but they won’t penetrate deep enough to get rid of fat itself. However, all of these methods of treatment for cellulite have been shown to work very well for most women.

Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs - Reduce Cellulite

Cellulite has been a nightmare for so many women. It gives the skin a horrible dimpled effect in those problem areas and many women will go to great lengths to reduce cellulite just to have the smooth skin they once had when they were younger. Basically cellulite is the layer of fatty deposits that lie right underneath the skin’s surface. In order to reduce cellulite you will have to get your body in a state of inducing it to break down fats as well as preventing anymore fat deposits from occurring.

Before trying to reduce cellulite it is important to know how it forms and why it forms. Cellulite forms in the thigh area more often than any other part of your body. The reason for this is unknown. There are several factors that may determine this such as age, genetics, and gender. Cellulite forms when there is extra fat being stored and the levels of elastin and collagen produced are low.

Cellulite also forms as a result of how fat is distributed on a person’s body. Men are less susceptible to getting cellulite as the muscles in their thighs and buttocks provide a criss-cross pattern leaving little room for fat to build up. Instead, men will accumulate these fat deposits in their stomachs which is one reason why women will have larger thighs and buttocks while men carry their extra fat in their stomachs. Know the difference of fat distribution between men and women will help you figure out the best ways to reduce cellulite in all of your problem areas, especially your thighs.

There are several ways to reduce cellulite that are both natural remedies as well as lifestyle changes. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water per day is crucial so your body is kept hydrated at all times reducing water retention. Drinking up to a gallon of water a day is the perfect to having a much healthier body. Keeping your skin hydrated will help reduce cellulite appearance in your thighs as it keeps your skin clear, well hydrated, and free from toxins that build up in the cells that lie under the skin.

Changing your lifestyle and your diet is a great way to reduce cellulite. Getting rid of fatty foods and desserts from your diet is the perfect start. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables as well as lean fresh meats to provide your body and skin with the proper vitamins and nutrients for skin repair. Melon fruits are the best type of fruits to include in your diet. They naturally remove toxins and cleanse your body as well as losing that extra fat causing cellulite. Another great way to reduce cellulite is to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol on a regular basis. It essentially suffocates the skin as it reduces blood flow to the skin cells.

Exercising is another way to reduce cellulite on your thighs. Doing exercises that specifically target your thighs are the best ones to incorporate into your workout routine. Exercises such as swimming, jumping rope, biking, and jogging have a huge impact on the tightening of your muscles and the skin in your thigh area. Also, make sure that you get some weight training in as well such as leg presses, leg rises, and leg squats. These are sure to help reduce cellulite by toning the muscles in your thighs as well as tightening your skin giving it a smoother appearance.

Another way to reduce cellulite is by putting warm coffee grounds on your thighs and massage that area. Caffeine is a natural way to help reduce the appearance of cellulite and is often one of the main ingredients in cellulite creams. This is not a permanent solution though as you will need to keep up this regimen for the long haul in order to obtain semi-permanent results. You can also massage your thighs with a rolling pin or a brush. This helps move cellulite out of that area and increases blood circulation to your skin in your thighs and other problem areas.

Green tea and antioxidants are also ways to reduce cellulite in your thighs. Drinking several cups of natural green tea daily has been a proven method to break down fatty deposits that have settled in our thighs and throughout our body. Taking antioxidant supplements or eating foods that are rich in antioxidants will protect the skin cells so you can gain your smooth skin back. Foods that are high in antioxidants include citrus fruits and oranges.

One of the most important ways to reduce cellulite is to accept the fact that you have it and keeping a positive mindset about your body. All of these treatments will produce results in weeks, not months, and it is extremely important that you follow through with each treatment you decide to include in your daily routine. By doing this you are sure to reduce cellulite in your thighs leaving you feeling great about yourself both inside and out and will make for a healthier you.

Best Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite

There is no clear definition on what cellulite treatment methods are best to get rid of cellulite. You can’t attempt to battle the fat build-up with only one type of treatment method. You will need to come in from several different angles in order to get rid of cellulite effectively. There is no magic pill or cream will completely cure this problem. The fact is, those types of treatment don’t do much in the way of getting rid of cellulite. If you want a cellulite treatment that will give you long lasting results, you must use practical solutions. If you want to get rid of cellulite the right way, here are some cellulite treatment methods that are practical and can give you the results you are looking for.

First and foremost, toss out your cellulite creams and pills. These cellulite treatment products won’t do anything to help you get rid of cellulite. They can cause temporary swelling giving your skin an orange peel effect so that the cellulite is less noticeable for only a short period of time. They help the symptoms of cellulite although they do not get rid of the problem. When researching the best types of cellulite treatment that provide the quickest results chances are you will be re-routed to a website that sells fat burning diet pills, skin cream, and skin oils that all claim to get rid of fat cells that cause cellulite. The truth is these products don’t live up to their oath. Be smart about it and research treatment methods that have been proven to be effective through research and not just what those people writing product reviews are saying.

The best course of cellulite treatment is exercising and starting a healthy diet and lifestyle. This is the most common response given for any type of fat loss/muscle building issues you may have and want to tackle. Luckily, this type of exercise and diet plan is not what you would expect. No more spending countless hours at the gym doing intense cardio workouts or starting yourself using one of the many fad diets on the market. The reality is that you don’t need to lose weight to get rid of fat. A very simple cellulite treatment program will tighten and tone your problem areas without having to engage in a rigid cardio routine.

Another common misconception of cellulite treatment is that you need to starve yourself or go on a carbohydrate-free diet. There are specific foods that pack on the cellulite which causes an overproduction of hormones. Using simple dietary tricks along with your workout regimen will have you get rid of fat in your thighs and hips which will ultimately send your body into cellulite fighting mode. These exercises also help to increase the production of collagen and tighten the skin.

By learning all you can about the different types of cellulite treatment available to you, you will eventually know what to look for as far as what works and what doesn’t. There is no miracle cure to get rid of cellulite. Getting rid of the gimmick treatments (creams, diet pills, etc) and focusing on the problem not the symptoms will help burn those fat cells right off your body.

Best Treatment for Cellulite

If you are battling with cellulite, you will be happy to hear that there are many different types of cellulite treatments that have proven to work. Cellulite has been a plague for women and typically shows up on the skin as bulges or dimples in the skin usually in the thighs, stomach, hips, or buttocks. Because this problem is so common there are many cellulite treatments available to at least improve the appearance of skin. There are many non-invasive treatments as well as some invasive surgical treatments for cellulite.

Cellulite bulges and dimples are caused by fatty deposits that occur under the skin’s surface. This may be due to retaining water and poor blood circulation since the blood vessels are constricted. It may also be caused by changes in the hormones progesterone and estrogen. Some of the best cellulite treatments target the cause of poor circulation and water retention.

One of the best cellulite treatments for blood circulation is massaging the area where the cellulite has gathered. You will be able to move fat cells around and improve circulation so that there is adequate blood flow to the skin cells. There are many topical cellulite treatments that can be used with massages that contain vitamins and minerals and all-natural herbs that help in treating cellulite. Cellulite creams that have collagen, aminophylline, and retinoids all help improve blood flow and circulation to the skin cells.

Another course of cellulite treatments is caffeine. It tightens the surface of your skin hence reducing the appearance of cellulite. This course of treatment works from the outside. Drinking too much caffeine will restrict the blood vessels which will add to fat deposits. Even though caffeine is used to help smooth out your skin, you need to watch your caffeine intake as too much will restrict blood flow and the sodium in soda can actually make you retain water hence it won’t be able to flush out any toxins from your body.

Body wraps have become one of the many popular cellulite treatments. It has been proven that algae and seaweed wraps that contain hydrating lotions will rehydrate the skin cells helping with the repair of skin cells that have been damaged by cellulite. Taking algae baths is great as cellulite treatments as it gets rid of excess water in the body and reduces toxins both of which reduce those bulges and dimples from cellulite. Algae and seaweed both help firm the skin as well improving its elasticity.

Exfoliating and brushing the skin where cellulite has occurred is another one of the cellulite treatments that have worked wonders for the skin. This helps improve blood flow to the skin as well as gets rid of dead skin cells. By getting rid of these dead skin cells you are removing toxins from your skin and improving the appearance of those areas affected by cellulite.

Other types of cellulite treatments involve changing your lifestyle. Making healthier lifestyle choices greatly improve your chances of getting rid of cellulite. Such changes include eating healthier, drinking more water, stop smoking and drinking alcohol, and start doing a targeted exercise routine daily. The most important of all cellulite treatments is changing your diet. If you are eating foods that are high fat it’s time to switch to healthier food choices such as eating more lean fresh meats and fresh fruits and vegetables. This helps give your body and skin the vitamins and nutrients it needs to repair itself. Also, drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water per day is advised to help keep your skin hydrated. This will help keep your skin healthy and will provide moisture to your skin preventing it from becoming flabby and loose. If you smoke or drink alcohol on a regular basis, it is best to stop. Both of these suffocate the skin by preventing adequate blood flow to the skin cells preventing your skin from repairing itself.

One of the best cellulite treatments is to not let cellulite happen. Exercise on a regular basis to keep off any excess weight while eating a well-balanced diet high in fiber and protein. Also, reduce how much salt you consume as it will make you retain water rather than using that water to expel any waste and toxins from your body. When getting into an exercise regimen make sure it is targeted for those specific problem areas. If you want to prevent or have cellulite in your legs, doing leg squats or weight training as well as walking, running, and swimming will all help in battling cellulite in that area. If you are trying to get rid of or prevent cellulite in your upper body, exercises such as targeted upper body weight training, swimming, and other types of exercises that target the arms and stomach will help get rid of cellulite.

With cellulite becoming an increasingly annoying problem among both men and women, there are many cellulite treatments that you can follow to get rid of that unwanted fat and ugly dimpled and bulging skin. Start taking steps now if you’re trying to prevent cellulite; if you already have cellulite, making those small, simple lifestyle changes will benefit your skin and blood flow to your skin in those problem areas.