No matter where you look today, there are companies telling you they know how to get rid of cottage cheese thighs, the dimpled look a person can end up with when they have an excess of cellulite. The problem with the vast majority of these products, is they claim to offer a permanent form of cellulite reduction.
Short Term Results - Long Term Promises
Many of the cellulite reduction treatments claim to give you "amazing results" in as little as 24 hours. They go on to say that you can get rid of those cottage cheese thighs and dimpled buttocks literally forever. While this might sound great, you need to remember the old adage, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."
According to a statement made by members of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in May of 2011, the vast majority of the non-surgical cellulite reduction treatments on the market do not offer a long term solution. However, despite the claims of these same surgeons, most of the surgical procedures also do not offer any form of permanent cellulite reduction.
What is Cellulite?
• Approximately 85 percent of women are or will be affected by cellulite and will seek out some form of cellulite reduction treatment in their lives. Cellulite is in fact a normal fat which builds up in the body of both sexes. It attaches itself to the fibrous connective tissues under the skin. This results in the dimpled or "cottage cheese" appearance as it can leave bumpy deposits in some areas and cause the connective tissues to retract in others.
• The general appearance can be mild in most people, but may become more prominent in someone who has undergone some weight loss. The intent behind cellulite reduction treatments is to first help remove the buildup of extra fat, and second to help smooth out the person's skin and eliminate the dimpled appearance.
A Common Misunderstanding
• One of the biggest misunderstandings amongst those seeking any form of cellulite treatment centers on the idea you should only have to use them until your cottage cheese thighs are gone. This is simply not the case, whether you are using a cellulite reduction cream or undergoing liposuction surgery. None of these can offer you a permanent solution unless you take additional steps to keep the fat from reforming.
• Many of the latest cellulite reduction cream offer excellent results and may even start providing you with noticeable results within a few days. The problem with many of them is that the results you achieve while using them are very short lived, something many of the manufacturers fail to tell you. The reality is if you want the results you have achieved to last, you need to keep using the cellulite reduction product you have chosen.
Just Like Diet and Exercise
When you do finally choose a form of cellulite treatment, the effects are only going to last for a short period of time. Many are just like being on a diet and exercising, the results you achieve are only going to last for as long as you continue to use them.
However, if you add in a healthy diet filled with fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, lean meats, and grains, you can speed up the process. Learning how to get rid of cottage cheese thighs is a matter of finding a cellulite treatment that works for you. This should be one that not only helps you achieve the desired results, but one which you have no problem using on a continuous basis.