If you are battling with cellulite, you will be happy to hear that there are many different types of cellulite treatments that have proven to work. Cellulite has been a plague for women and typically shows up on the skin as bulges or dimples in the skin usually in the thighs, stomach, hips, or buttocks. Because this problem is so common there are many cellulite treatments available to at least improve the appearance of skin. There are many non-invasive treatments as well as some invasive surgical treatments for cellulite.
Cellulite bulges and dimples are caused by fatty deposits that occur under the skin’s surface. This may be due to retaining water and poor blood circulation since the blood vessels are constricted. It may also be caused by changes in the hormones progesterone and estrogen. Some of the best cellulite treatments target the cause of poor circulation and water retention.
One of the best cellulite treatments for blood circulation is massaging the area where the cellulite has gathered. You will be able to move fat cells around and improve circulation so that there is adequate blood flow to the skin cells. There are many topical cellulite treatments that can be used with massages that contain vitamins and minerals and all-natural herbs that help in treating cellulite. Cellulite creams that have collagen, aminophylline, and retinoids all help improve blood flow and circulation to the skin cells.
Another course of cellulite treatments is caffeine. It tightens the surface of your skin hence reducing the appearance of cellulite. This course of treatment works from the outside. Drinking too much caffeine will restrict the blood vessels which will add to fat deposits. Even though caffeine is used to help smooth out your skin, you need to watch your caffeine intake as too much will restrict blood flow and the sodium in soda can actually make you retain water hence it won’t be able to flush out any toxins from your body.
Body wraps have become one of the many popular cellulite treatments. It has been proven that algae and seaweed wraps that contain hydrating lotions will rehydrate the skin cells helping with the repair of skin cells that have been damaged by cellulite. Taking algae baths is great as cellulite treatments as it gets rid of excess water in the body and reduces toxins both of which reduce those bulges and dimples from cellulite. Algae and seaweed both help firm the skin as well improving its elasticity.
Exfoliating and brushing the skin where cellulite has occurred is another one of the cellulite treatments that have worked wonders for the skin. This helps improve blood flow to the skin as well as gets rid of dead skin cells. By getting rid of these dead skin cells you are removing toxins from your skin and improving the appearance of those areas affected by cellulite.
Other types of cellulite treatments involve changing your lifestyle. Making healthier lifestyle choices greatly improve your chances of getting rid of cellulite. Such changes include eating healthier, drinking more water, stop smoking and drinking alcohol, and start doing a targeted exercise routine daily. The most important of all cellulite treatments is changing your diet. If you are eating foods that are high fat it’s time to switch to healthier food choices such as eating more lean fresh meats and fresh fruits and vegetables. This helps give your body and skin the vitamins and nutrients it needs to repair itself. Also, drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water per day is advised to help keep your skin hydrated. This will help keep your skin healthy and will provide moisture to your skin preventing it from becoming flabby and loose. If you smoke or drink alcohol on a regular basis, it is best to stop. Both of these suffocate the skin by preventing adequate blood flow to the skin cells preventing your skin from repairing itself.
One of the best cellulite treatments is to not let cellulite happen. Exercise on a regular basis to keep off any excess weight while eating a well-balanced diet high in fiber and protein. Also, reduce how much salt you consume as it will make you retain water rather than using that water to expel any waste and toxins from your body. When getting into an exercise regimen make sure it is targeted for those specific problem areas. If you want to prevent or have cellulite in your legs, doing leg squats or weight training as well as walking, running, and swimming will all help in battling cellulite in that area. If you are trying to get rid of or prevent cellulite in your upper body, exercises such as targeted upper body weight training, swimming, and other types of exercises that target the arms and stomach will help get rid of cellulite.
With cellulite becoming an increasingly annoying problem among both men and women, there are many cellulite treatments that you can follow to get rid of that unwanted fat and ugly dimpled and bulging skin. Start taking steps now if you’re trying to prevent cellulite; if you already have cellulite, making those small, simple lifestyle changes will benefit your skin and blood flow to your skin in those problem areas.
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