Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Breast Implant

How much are breast implants? This is one of the first questions that come up when a woman is considering having some form of breast enhancement procedure. Naturally, the cost, effectiveness and possibility of complications all play a role in the final decision in choosing between various procedures.

There is not straightforward answer to the question “how much are breast implants”. While this is an important factor, it cannot be answered with a single response. When you want to know how much are breast implants, you need to take into consideration a number of factors. Here is a stepwise guide to help you calculate how much are breast implants.

The first cost you need to establish when trying to work out how much are breast implants is to choose the type of breast implant you want. There are two main types of breast implants: saline breast implants and silicone breast implants, that not only vary in cost, but also in the features and risks they present. A survey conducted on the average price of how much are breast implants in 2011 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPC) showed that saline implants average at $3,308 and silicone implants at $3,694.

Both silicone and saline breast implants are made of silicone shells, what differs is the filling in the silicone shell. Silicone breast implants generally cost more than saline breast implants but give a more natural feel. Consult your surgeon about the pros and cons of each type of implant.

Once you have narrowed down to one type, the next thing you need to decide is what brand of implant you will use. How much are breast implants varies between brands, even though they may all be silicone implants or all be saline implants that you are choosing from.

The next decision you need to make is which surgeon will you use to perform the surgery? You may have calculated how much are breast implants and not factor in all the costs of the procedure, which may be more than the cost of the breast implants. The surgeon’s fees will depend upon his/her geographic location and his/her level of experience. It is advisable to go with a surgeon that has more experience than one with less experience as you are less likely to suffer from complications in future.

Once you have selected your surgeon and the type of implants to be used, you will need to get an average costing from your surgeon on other costs that you will incur. As well as knowing how much are breast implants, you will need an estimate on the anesthesia fees, the cost of any prescription medications required after the surgery, the cost of any special garments you may require post surgery, the cost of any medical test and the cost of an implant warranty. Furthermore for the long term if you want to know how much breast implants are also add in the cost of follow up testing such as frequent MRIs to detect any leaks or ruptures.

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