Showing posts with label breast enhancement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breast enhancement. Show all posts

Monday, February 9, 2015

Steps in Breast Augmentation Surgery

Although being a complex procedure, breast augmentation can be performed fairly easily in about one to two hours’ time. Also, the fact the procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis in many hospitals means that the operation is a fairly simple procedure. It is important that you familiarise yourself with what actually happens during such an operation. Here is a simple step by step guide on what actually happens during breast augmentation surgery.

1. When undergoing this procedure, the first step that shall be performed on you is that the surgeon will apply on you anaesthesia. There are several options of anaesthesia that can be used. The surgeon may decide to use either local or general anaesthesia.  The bottom line of using intravenous or general anaesthesia is that, regardless of the specific type of anaesthesia chosen, its use ensures your comfort throughout the process of breast augmentation surgery.

2. After making sure that the anaesthesia applied on you in the first step has fully had its effect on you, the plastic surgeon is ready to proceed with the next step. This will involve making incisions so as to make spaces within your tissue to accommodate the implants. The surgeon will ensure that the incisions are made in hidden areas where it would be difficult for one to notice them. Areas behind the breasts are greatly favoured because incisions made in such areas remain largely unnoticed. Also, when performing a breast augmentation procedure, the surgeon may choose any type of incision that is suitable in your case. This may either be the inflammatory or transaxillary type of incision.

3. The third step in performing a breast augmentation surgery entails insertion of the breast implant. By far, this is the most critical step during the entire procedure.  Several factors come into play at this stage. For instance, the surgeon will have to take into consideration the size of your breast, its anatomy, elasticity and the general type of your whole body, when carrying out the procedure. Such factors are important because they determine the type and size of breast implants that your surgeon will choose to use on you. The implant is then placed under special muscles found in the breast areas or just behind special breast tissues. The surgeon performing the procedure will do the placement with utmost care, since many complications in breast augmentation surgery occur as a result of mistakes in this stage. Also, the surgeon will choose a type of implant that is suitable for you. This may either be the saline – filled breast implants or, in some cases, the silicone breast implants which are filled with a silicone gel.

4. After the implants have been successfully inserted and properly placed, the plastic surgeon will now close up the incisions that were made in the tissue of your breasts.  This will be done using special skin glue and surgical tapes which are used to close up the incisions. Although marks of the incisions will remain for some time, this is no reason to worry since with time the marks, together with the swelling, tend to disappear. 

Silicone breast implants

A perfect breast size has become an obsession for most women. Basically, women are conscious of their appearance and will in any event not hesitate to undertake changes to improve on their bodies. Breasts form one of the centre spots in women and thus an ideal centre of consideration for improving their appearance. In accordance to various scientists, attractive people get jobs and promotions easily and have a higher self esteem. They also earn more respect and are able to socialize more easily. It is in this regard that most women take to breast enlargement to improve on their appearance.

Implants are done in various ways which vary in technical and cost as well the after effects. Among the methods available is the Silicone breast implant which is done by use of viscous silicone gel. This method has been in use since 1963 and has been undergoing various generational changes over the years. The first generation of this implant contained a tear drop shaped sac was filled with viscous silicone gel.  It required to be fastened using Dacron material to reduce rotation of the implant upon the chest wall. The second generation was developed in 1970’s with thinner device shell and low-cohesion silicone gel filler. This generation produced better results in terms of size, look and the feel of the implant. However this generation was found to be fragile and incidences of rapture were prevalent leading to the US government declaring the product faulty.

In the third and fourth generations improvements were made where elastomer-coated shell which reduced gel bleed and a thicker filler gel were incorporated. This also incorporated anatomic models which fitted well to the body shape of the women patients. The last generation of these implants was developed in mid 1990s. Made of semi solid gel, filler leakage ad and migration from the breast to other body parts was greatly eliminated.

A requirement for a silicone implant requires that the woman seeking such services should be over 18 years of age. This is occasioned by the reason that breast development is active up to the late years of teenage to early twenties. Before the surgery is done a medical examination is carried out by the surgeon who may advise against use of certain medications which the patient may be undergoing before and after the surgery takes place. This is done by plastic surgeons that must be trained and experienced. A silicone implant does not last a lifetime, for this reason a medical check up is required three years after the surgery and at intervals of two years after the initial examination. The longer the woman lives with the implants the higher the chances that she will require to undergo surgery and remove or change them.

Implants are done either for heath or cosmetic purposes. When done for cosmetic reasons the process is not covered by health insurance. The cost of having an implant is dependent on the practitioner undertaking the surgery. It also varies depending on the area where it has been undertaken.

Breast implant

Every woman needs to look beautiful. Although natural beauty is the best option, many are opting for alternative methods like breast implant. The main motivation is that breast form an integral part of the woman’s physical outfit which is key to her appearance. According to research done by various scientists, having the perfect body increases the persons esteem which in effect increases the chances of the individual’s success in regard to job placements and promotions among others.

Among the key elements considered for enhancing a perfect body for a woman is the breast implant. This may be done for either medical or cosmetic purposes. The perfect choice for a woman is done in regard to various aspects which include cost and the choice of the implant. There are available various available options which one can pick from depending on size shape and texture of the outcome. The common methods are achieved through the use of pills or undergoing surgery processes which are geared towards achieving the perfect breasts. Historically, breast implant date back to the 19th century and has over the years been a process used to enhance the size and fell as well as modify the shape of a woman’s breast. The first recorded surgery was done in 1895 by Vincent Czerny using body tissues harvested from the patients lumbar lipoma and was used for reconstructive surgery. This has developed with the use of injections and modern day plastic surgery.

In the modern day technology three types of breast implant are common. These include the saline implant which involves the use of sterile saline solution which is a solution of salt and water. Silicone implant are also used and they are made of silicone sacs which are filled with silicone gel. The third option is made of alternative composition implant which is made of miscellaneous fillers examples being the soy oil and polypropylene string.

When sourcing for the services of implant it is ideal to take consideration to get the services from qualified personnel. This is normally performed by qualified surgeons who are trained and experienced. Before undertaking the procedure, the surgeon will undertake a comprehensive medical evaluating of the patient. This will enhance determination of the necessary procedures and precautions to be put in place. However, there is a requirement that those seeking the services must be over 18 years of age for a normal implant and at least 22 years for those seeking silicone implant. Since implant are not a life time solution it is required that once undertaken a check up should be undertaken three years after the surgery and every two years thereafter.

The cost of undertaking breast implant varies between regions and states. They also vary depending on the person performing the procedure. Due to the fact that the processes are undertaken for cosmetic purposes, breast implant are not covered by health insurances. Information regarding the cost of the procedure as well as general information on the best practitioners and their contacts can be found on the platform. From this source information regarding the precautions and the needs for the process is also available. This is an online source that is accessible by clicking on the link or typing the link the web browser.

Common Types of Breast Implants

The need to have full breasts may make it necessary for many people to seek aesthetic surgical procedures. The essence of such procedures is that breast implants are inserted into the breast tissues. This makes the breasts to have a form that is much fuller in terms of the desired shape and size. There are many types of implants; their classification is based on the type of substance used in them. Also, the choice of implants depends on several factors. These include costs, safety and personal preferences. Below is a brief description of commonly used types of breast implants.

In general, there are two broad types of implants: those made of silicone and saline. Each of these types of implants has related pros and cons. In addition, there is the oil filled type of breast implants. This type is common in European countries only, since its use in the United States is yet to be approved by the Federal Drug Agency.

Silicone implants are by far popular in terms of usage. They are made up of silicone shells that are filled up with plastic silicone gel. Their great advantage is that they give a much more realistic feel to users than the other types of breast implants. However, cases of infections and related complications arising from leakages of dangerous compounds through the casing of silicone breast implants led to their temporary ban. Currently, these types of implants are still in common use after extensive studies showed using them is not as risky as it was once thought to be.

Saline implants were developed in order to offer increased safety to users. They are made up of silicone rubber shells but filled with saline water instead of silicone gel, as is the case in silicone breast implants. Since the saline solution used in this type of implants is generally non - toxic in the event of leakages, saline implants are generally seen as being a safer alternative to the silicone ones. This is in terms of safety of use and long term effects on the body.

Oil – filled breast implants are made up of silicone shells that are filled up with a special type of oil. This is still less toxic as compared to silicone gel that is contained in the original silicone implants. However, its use is still limited to other countries.

All these types of breast implants have different advantages and disadvantages. For instance, it has been argued that all types have the potential of producing harmful effects to one’s body in the event of a leakage. This is so because of the fact that all the three types of implants are made up of a silicone rubber shell that contains other harmful compounds used in creating silicone material. This means that regardless of the material used to fill them up, all types of breast implants may be harmful in the event of an accident during or after the procedure. Also, health and other complications which arise in some individuals long after the procedure are not related to one type of implant but are rather associated with any type of the implants.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Boob Implants

Breast implants commonly referred to as “Boob implants” or “fake boobs” are used by women of all ages to enhance the appearance and the shape of their breasts. Since breast tissue continues to grow up until the age of 22, the FDA does not recommend breast implants for women below this age. Older patients should not be worried about breast augmentation Miami procedures as long as they are generally healthy individuals. Individuals that have undergone breast augmentation Miami procedures admit that they feel more attractive and more confident.

Breast augmentation surgeons can be found all over North America.  Miami has one of the highest concentrations of breast augmentation practices. Success rates of breast augmentation Miami are high due to the high level of experience of the surgeons. Breast augmentation Miami procedures include silicone implants, saline implants and fat transfer breast augmentation. Let’s discuss each of these procedures in more detail.

The breast augmentation Miami procedure for saline and silicone breast implants is very similar. In fact the technique is exactly the same – it is only the type of implant chosen that differs. The implants have certain differences:

• The shell is typically made of silicone, although some manufacturers use polyurethane
• Saline implants are filled with saline and have a valve for inflation after insertion; silicone implants are filled with the cohesive silicone gel
• Silicone implants vary in the level of cohesiveness: Level 1 implants are semi-liquid whereas Level 2 (gummy bear) implants are semi-solid in terms of cohesiveness.
• Saline and silicone breast implants also vary in shape and size-typically round or teardrop shaped. Round implants tend to result in better cleavage and more fullness superiority. Furthermore, they have been shown to be associated with a lower rate of shifting.

Your breast augmentation Miami surgeon will be able to guide you on what implant is best for your body contours and your expectations from the breast augmentation Miami procedure.  Saline and silicone breast implants are associated with certain risks including the risk of ruptures and leaks. A leaky silicone implant will have more adverse effects than a leaky saline implant.

The implant is inserted in a pocket created above or below the chest muscle under anesthesia by your breast augmentation Miami surgeon. It is useful to note that breast implants do not last the entire lifetime of the patient. Depending upon the type of implant used it may last between 10-20 years following which a new implant needs to be reinserted.

Some breast augmentation Miami surgeons now offer the new fat transfer breast augmentation technique, whereby fat deposits are drawn from stubborn parts of the body and carefully injected into the breast to enhance its shape and size. This is a more natural procedure but the fat deposits do eventually dissolve giving the breasts an uneven shape in some cases. Some breast augmentation Miami surgeons do freeze the fat deposits that can be used for future top ups.

Breast Implant

How much are breast implants? This is one of the first questions that come up when a woman is considering having some form of breast enhancement procedure. Naturally, the cost, effectiveness and possibility of complications all play a role in the final decision in choosing between various procedures.

There is not straightforward answer to the question “how much are breast implants”. While this is an important factor, it cannot be answered with a single response. When you want to know how much are breast implants, you need to take into consideration a number of factors. Here is a stepwise guide to help you calculate how much are breast implants.

The first cost you need to establish when trying to work out how much are breast implants is to choose the type of breast implant you want. There are two main types of breast implants: saline breast implants and silicone breast implants, that not only vary in cost, but also in the features and risks they present. A survey conducted on the average price of how much are breast implants in 2011 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPC) showed that saline implants average at $3,308 and silicone implants at $3,694.

Both silicone and saline breast implants are made of silicone shells, what differs is the filling in the silicone shell. Silicone breast implants generally cost more than saline breast implants but give a more natural feel. Consult your surgeon about the pros and cons of each type of implant.

Once you have narrowed down to one type, the next thing you need to decide is what brand of implant you will use. How much are breast implants varies between brands, even though they may all be silicone implants or all be saline implants that you are choosing from.

The next decision you need to make is which surgeon will you use to perform the surgery? You may have calculated how much are breast implants and not factor in all the costs of the procedure, which may be more than the cost of the breast implants. The surgeon’s fees will depend upon his/her geographic location and his/her level of experience. It is advisable to go with a surgeon that has more experience than one with less experience as you are less likely to suffer from complications in future.

Once you have selected your surgeon and the type of implants to be used, you will need to get an average costing from your surgeon on other costs that you will incur. As well as knowing how much are breast implants, you will need an estimate on the anesthesia fees, the cost of any prescription medications required after the surgery, the cost of any special garments you may require post surgery, the cost of any medical test and the cost of an implant warranty. Furthermore for the long term if you want to know how much breast implants are also add in the cost of follow up testing such as frequent MRIs to detect any leaks or ruptures.

Breast Augmentation Cost

Firm and fuller breasts are associated with increase self-confidence and self-esteem in women. As women age, breast feed, loses weight etc., the breast may begin to sag and lose their firmness. To overcome this, many women turn to breast enhancement techniques.As more and more women are interested in breast enhancements, health care practitioners are coming up with better methods that are safer and more effective.

Fat transfer breast augmentation is a new technique that has been developed with the aim of offering patients with an implant free option of breast augmentation. The fat transfer breast augmentation technique is a procedure that involves the grafting of micro-fat that is performed in an outpatient setting. More and more women are opting for this relatively safe technique and a growing number of surgeons are offering it. A survey conducted by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery found that the number of fat transfer breast augmentation procedures increased by 26.6% from 2009 to 2010.

In the fat transfer breast augmentation technique, fat deposits are removed from one area of the body, for example the stomach, thighs, buttocks etc. and injected into the breasts. The injected fat grows within a matrix of tissue and in this way the breasts enlarge. Fat transfer breast augmentation is therefore the most natural form of breast augmentation available at present.

Recovery following the fat transfer breast augmentation takes between 2-4 days. The fat transfer breast augmentation technique does not pose the risk of ruptured, leaking of shifted implants. Also it is not associated with the introduction of any foreign substance into the body.Fat transfer breast augmentation is an excellent choice for women that want to have only subtle changes made to their breast area without wanting to go up many sizes. Fat transfer breast augmentation will therefore be suitable for women that have undergone a lumpectomy or have uneven breasts. Some women with breast implants have had the implants removed and opted for fat transfer breast augmentation.

Moreover, since the fat is drawn from stubborn pockets in the body, fat transfer breast augmentation can help reshape problem areas of the body that have not responded to diet or exercise. Before you can have a fat transfer breast augmentation performed, your surgeon will assess whether you have enough fat to undergo the procedure.

The average cost of the fat transfer breast augmentation procedure can range from anywhere between $18,000-20,000. This figure depends upon the total number of areas from which fat is removed, the estimated procedure time, and overall goals for both body contouring and breast enlargement.

The fat transfer breast augmentation procedure gives a softer and more natural feel than breast augmentation using implants. However, the fat will dissolve into the body over time, and the breast size will go down to the original size with time. In the worst case, the breast may have an uneven appearance as the fat slowly dissolves. The area where the fat is removed from by liposuction can become scarred, bruised or saggy. Some clinics offer the possibility of freezing removed fat, allowing for easier “top-ups” if required in future.

Breast Augmentation

Breast implants are becoming increasingly common. In fact, it has been shown to be the most common type of cosmetic surgery performed today, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, although the reasons for having breast augmentation surgery varies. As you make your decision on whether you want to go undergo a breast augmentation procedure, you will want to know what the breast augmentation cost is.

Breast augmentation costs vary upon the type of implant used. They also vary between geographic locations and surgeons. Breast augmentation costs are not covered by most insurance. When estimating you cost, be sure to include the surgeons fee, the anesthesia fees, the cost of the implant chose, the cost of any prescription medications required after the surgery, the cost of any special garments you may require post surgery, the cost of any medical test and the cost of an implant warranty.

If you require assistance with breast augmentation costs, many physicians and surgeons offer financing plans. While the surgeon’s fees that contribute to the total breast augmentation cost are important, it is also vital that you look at the surgeon’s experience.  If your breast augmentation procedure is performed by a surgeon with little or no experience, you are more likely to have complications. More likely than not, the breast augmentation cost for a procedure performed by an experienced surgeon will be higher than one performed by a less experienced surgeon.

There are a number of breast augmentation implants in the market and the breast augmentation costs vary slightly. 

Saline Breast Implants

Saline filled breast implants are made of silicone shells filled with saline (sterile salt water). These are safer than silicone implants but tend to be slightly firmer than silicone implants. The FDA recommends that saline breast implants are only used in women over 18 years old. A survey conducted by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPC) showed that the breast augmentation cost of saline implants averages $3,308 in 2011.

Silicone Breast Implants

Silicone breast implants are made of silicone shells filled with silicon, a cohesive gel that holds together. Silicone breast implants tend to have a more natural feel but pose a greater risk to health if they leak. Silicone breast implants are only approved for use in women over the age of 22 years by the FDA. In 2011, a survey on breast augmentation costs, conducted by the ASPC showed that silcone implants averaged at around $3,694.

The procedure is conducted under anesthesia and takes one to two hours. An incision is made under your breasts, arms, or around your nipples and the implant is placed within a pocket above or below the chest muscle and stitched using sutures or surgical tape.

It is advisable to consult with a number of surgeons before making your final decision. During the consultation, speak to the surgeon about the estimate for the surgery as well as other surgical related expenses that may contribute to the final breast augmentation cost.