Monday, February 9, 2015

Silicone breast implants

A perfect breast size has become an obsession for most women. Basically, women are conscious of their appearance and will in any event not hesitate to undertake changes to improve on their bodies. Breasts form one of the centre spots in women and thus an ideal centre of consideration for improving their appearance. In accordance to various scientists, attractive people get jobs and promotions easily and have a higher self esteem. They also earn more respect and are able to socialize more easily. It is in this regard that most women take to breast enlargement to improve on their appearance.

Implants are done in various ways which vary in technical and cost as well the after effects. Among the methods available is the Silicone breast implant which is done by use of viscous silicone gel. This method has been in use since 1963 and has been undergoing various generational changes over the years. The first generation of this implant contained a tear drop shaped sac was filled with viscous silicone gel.  It required to be fastened using Dacron material to reduce rotation of the implant upon the chest wall. The second generation was developed in 1970’s with thinner device shell and low-cohesion silicone gel filler. This generation produced better results in terms of size, look and the feel of the implant. However this generation was found to be fragile and incidences of rapture were prevalent leading to the US government declaring the product faulty.

In the third and fourth generations improvements were made where elastomer-coated shell which reduced gel bleed and a thicker filler gel were incorporated. This also incorporated anatomic models which fitted well to the body shape of the women patients. The last generation of these implants was developed in mid 1990s. Made of semi solid gel, filler leakage ad and migration from the breast to other body parts was greatly eliminated.

A requirement for a silicone implant requires that the woman seeking such services should be over 18 years of age. This is occasioned by the reason that breast development is active up to the late years of teenage to early twenties. Before the surgery is done a medical examination is carried out by the surgeon who may advise against use of certain medications which the patient may be undergoing before and after the surgery takes place. This is done by plastic surgeons that must be trained and experienced. A silicone implant does not last a lifetime, for this reason a medical check up is required three years after the surgery and at intervals of two years after the initial examination. The longer the woman lives with the implants the higher the chances that she will require to undergo surgery and remove or change them.

Implants are done either for heath or cosmetic purposes. When done for cosmetic reasons the process is not covered by health insurance. The cost of having an implant is dependent on the practitioner undertaking the surgery. It also varies depending on the area where it has been undertaken.

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