Many males out there wish to impress their partners by increasing their penis size and delaying premature ejaculation. There are a large number of premature ejaculation pills and enhancement supplements in the market today. While all claim to have scientifically proven results, there are few that are actually backed by good scientific evidence. So what premature ejaculation pills work and which ones don’t? The answer lies in the ingredients used to make the premature ejaculation pills as well as the amount of ingredient, the formulation of the products (tablet, capsules, gel, cream, nasal spray etc) and the duration of time that these premature ejaculation pills are taken for. Furthermore, while two males may achieve exactly the same response with premature ejaculation pills, one may feel that the response is unsatisfactory whereas another may be very impressed with the results. This all comes down to the users expectations of the premature ejaculation pills.
Here are some useful tips that can be used to improve results obtained while using male enhancement supplements and premature ejaculation pills.
Diet and Exercise
The health of the penis can be improved by consuming a healthy diet and regular exercise. The diet should include dark green and leafy vegetables as well a fresh fruits. It is advisable to avoid hot, spicy and bitter foods.
Penis Exercises
Penis exercises together with premature ejaculation pills and enahancement supplements will provide for excellent results. By using exercises alone, the girth and length can be increased from 0.5cm to 3cm. There are two chambers in the penis, the Corpora Cavernosa and the Corpus Spongisum. Blood fills in these chambers during an erection, and the greater the amount of blood they can hold, the larger and stronger the erection. Penis exercises work alongside premature ejaculation pills and enhancement supplements to increase the capacity of these two chambers. The penis pump can increase the size of your penis for a short time but this technique is not recommended for the overall health of your penis. The recommended exercises for increasing the penis size and preventing premature ejaculation that can be used together with premature ejaculation pills and enhancement supplements include:
• Jelqing (Milking) Technique
• Ballooning Up technique
So what ingredients in premature ejaculation pills and enhancement supplements are actually useful?
• Clove extract is thought that it works by increasing the blood flow to the genital area causing a longer, harder erection. Furthermore it is thought to calm the nerves and prevent pre ejaculation
• Gingko biloba also improves blood flow to the penis helping the erection last longer and preventing pre ejaculation.
• Tribulusterrestris has been used in almost every male enhancement supplement. It boosts sexual performance through many modes.
• Garlic improves blood circulation to the penis.
• Chlorophytumborivilianum rejuvenates the reproductive system, treats pre ejaculation and has been known to increase the sperm count.
• Cnidiummonnier
• Black raisins
• Dates, quince and pistachios
• Cinammon Bark
• Dong Quai
• Angelica
• White Onions