Showing posts with label remedies for anxiety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label remedies for anxiety. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How to Treat Depression with Natural Anxiety Remedies?

If you have been feeling sad and anxious for the last few weeks and have not taken interest in your favorite hobbies or activities you may be suffering from depression and anxiety. Depending on the type and level of your depression and anxiety you may be able to use one of the many natural anxiety remedies. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to take a prescription when you are struggling with more than the normal blues or worries. In fact you do not even have to take natural anxiety remedies such as herbals. In addition to herbals there are a number of vitamins, and other natural remedies you can use to get depression and anxiety under control.

Herbal Treatments

If you are struggling with a great deal of worry and stress, this can wear you down very quickly. While many of the natural anxiety remedies work very well they take time to work, and if your depression and anxiety are becoming overwhelming you may not have time to wait for a remedy to do it's job. Herbal remedies can help to relax, calm, and sooth nerves and muscles, as well as work as mood elevators to get you the relief you need. This gives you time to work on the cause of the depression with a therapist or using other natural anxiety remedies.

The most popular herbal natural anxiety remedies are those that elevate mood such as St. John's Wort, 5HTP and SAMe. Valerian, chamomile, passionflower, hops, lavender, and skullcap are the most popular natural anxiety remedies, but are also used to help treat depression. They can sooth a nervous stomach, relax muscles, and help with insomnia.

Cognitive Therapy

Therapy has long been one of the most effective natural anxiety remedies, but available treatments have significantly improved over the years, and have become the front line defense for a drug free recovery from both depression and anxiety. Mindfulness based cognitive therapy has been studied by a number of researchers including the psychologists from the University of Exeter. Studies have proven that this marriage between meditation and cognitive therapy is just as effective if not more effective than other traditional and natural anxiety remedies. During eight sessions patients are taught the technique and then instructed to use it at home. Sessions consist of 30 minutes daily. What makes this type natural anxiety remedies so effective is that the likelihood of relapse is much lower than it is with medication.

Eating Healthy and Exercise

While eating healthy and exercising may not in and of itself cure a depression, they are natural anxiety remedies that can be used with any other treatments. These steps will only enhance any other treatments you use, allowing you to gain control over depression and anxiety much faster. There is no magic diet for depression, but most people who are depressed let their diet go. Eating better and giving your body better nutrition will naturally help you to feel better.

Exercise on the other hand, can have a real effect on depression and anxiety. Not only will exercising boost self-esteem and self-confidence, but it also produces endorphins which are feel good chemicals that can boost your mood.

Depression and anxiety are disorders that can take control of your life, unless you take control of it first. With the right natural anxiety remedies, such as herbal and nutritional supplements, therapy, and self-care, you can recover from depression and anxiety and do so without having to take long term drugs and run the risk of relapses. Natural anxiety remedies are meant to provide a long term solution without the serious side effects of traditional medications.

Depression Disorders

Depression Signs and Symptoms

We all have normal ups and downs in life, and times when we feel a bit blue. Depression disorders however are when blues goes to a deep sense of sadness or emptiness that does not go away. When depression disorders take hold, day to day functioning becomes more difficult, and in some cases depending on the severity of the depression, it may come to a grinding halt. Feelings of being overwhelmed or of despair take hold and leave a person either trying to avoid the pain of depression, or leave them desperate for a solution or end to their pain.

Understanding Depression

Not all sadness you feel can be labeled as one of the many depression disorders. The loss of a loved one may leave you grieving, or the loss of a boyfriend may make you deeply sad. These are completely normal reactions, and are not necessarily signs of depression disorders. When one of the many setbacks or disappointments in life make you sad, working through them and getting back to life may take a bit of time, but it is entirely possible to do. It is when you get stuck in a never ending cycle of emptiness and despair that you may be suffering from one of the depression disorders and may need more help.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Depression

How depression disorders affect an individual person will vary, but there are a number of common symptoms that are the same across all depression disorders and most people. It is important to remember that because you have one or more of these symptoms does not mean you have clinical depression. The type and depth of depression you have is dictated by the length of time and the intensity of the symptoms you have. Most doctors will also look for a minimum of five of the common symptoms of depression before they diagnose you with this any of the depression disorders.

• Feelings of Despair or Emptiness - This may also manifest as a deep sadness, feeling helpless, or without hope. It may feel like you are in a deep dark hole and there is no way out. There may seem to be no resolution to these feelings and those with depression disorders may feel trapped.
• Lack of Desire to Engage in a Hobby or Activity - Most of us have a hobby or something we really like to do. When you stop taking time for those activities it is typically because you have lost the ability to enjoy the activity or to feel happiness or pleasure. You may also lack the energy or motivation to put forth the effort an activity requires.
• Changes in Eating Habits - Another major sign of depression disorders is changes in weight or in eating habits. This will be different for individual people, some will stop eating and lose weight, while others may overeat. Others may continue to eat but take little interest in the types of foods they eat, and eat poorly. A change of more than five percent body weight in less than a month is an indicator that you might be suffering from depression disorders.
• Insomnia or Sleeping Too Much - This will depend on the depression disorders and the person. Manic depression is often accompanied by the inability to sleep, whereas sleeping too much is common for those with severe depression.
• Agitation or Restlessness - Women are most likely to become irritable and nervous, whereas in men depressive disorders most often manifest as anger and restlessness, however any individual can be affected in a myriad of ways. Your ability to tolerate problems or people will be greatly diminished and you may lose your temper quickly.
• Fatigue and Lack of Motivation - You may have no energy, or you may feel completely exhausted all of the time even when you have had plenty of sleep. The smallest tasks may seem overwhelming and beyond your ability to complete.
• A Feeling of Worthlessness - Being angry at yourself, or having a poor self-esteem. You may be hyper critical of everything you do.
• Inability to Focus - You may have a problem when trying to concentrate, and in extreme depression disorders you may suffer from confusion and a poor memory. Decision-making may be difficult due to the inability to focus and a poor self-esteem that makes you doubt all of your abilities.
• Pain - Depression disorders may manifest in physical pain, in the joints and muscles. Nervousness and anxiety may cause you to have stomachaches, and stress may increase the number of headaches you have.

Depression disorders can also lead to thoughts of death and suicide. If you feel like you are in a corner and there is no way out, it may lead to feelings of desperation. There are a number of highly effective treatments for depression disorders, and doctors can help diagnose your depression and help you get the help you need.

Clinical Depression Symptoms - What to Watch For?

Most of us will end up with a case of the blues during our lifetime; this is a normal reaction to rapidly changing life events. Clinical depression however is a deeper more persistent problem that does not go away after a few days and is characterized by feelings of hopelessness and despair. There are two basic types of depression disorders, major or unipolar depression, and manic or bipolar depression. While both depression disorders include the same depressive state, bipolar depression also has a manic phase which is characterized by heightened elation and reduced inhibitions.

What is Major or Unipolar Depression?

Of the two depression disorders major depression is the most common. Major depression is characterized by a near constant state of sadness and depressed mood, which persists past a few weeks. Depression disorders differ from mood cycles in that they do not necessarily have a specific cause, and they do not go away when the cause is resolved. An old saying states that time heals all wounds, but in the case of depression disorders the healing process must often be helped along with the appropriate professional help. When a person has been coping with a lengthy bout of depression, and is unable to feel better for any period of time, a trip to the doctor is likely to end up with the diagnosis of clinical depression.

Major Depression Symptoms

While depression disorders vary somewhat, all clinical depressions are characterized by certain symptoms. The following symptoms are the main symptoms a doctor will search for when attempting to diagnose depression disorders. Doctors will look for at least five of these symptoms which the patient has been struggling with for two weeks or more.

• Feelings of intense Sadness
• A very low frustration level and becoming irritable easily
• The inability to have fun or enjoy hobbies
• A lack of interest in sex
• The inability to sleep or sleeping too much
• Poor appetite or overeating
• Unable to concentrate
• Feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness
• Thoughts of suicide or death

Depression disorders are different for different people, the unipolar depression may also include symptoms such as confusion, slowed thinking, or impaired memory. There might be crying spells that have no apparent reason, unexplained pain, and agitation and restlessness. Anxiety might be so high that the person complains that their nerves are "shot" and term used to describe the agitation and sense of heightened awareness that occurs during anxiety and depression. 

What is Manic or Bipolar Depression?

Of the two depression disorders, bipolar disorder is the most difficult to control. This is because the manic phase brings such a sense of euphoria that most people simply do not want to believe there is anything wrong with them. When they do understand that they are suffering from depression disorders, they feel so good that they do not want to come back down from the high they are one. For this reason when people suffer from this type of depression disorder they often refuse medication. Depending on the severity of the depression disorders, they may need to be hospitalized until they are a stable.

Bipolar depression is characterized by two phases. A depressive phase and a manic phase. There is no set time or cycle for these phases, and they can last for hours, days, or weeks.

Bipolar Depression Symptoms

Like other depression disorders, bipolar depression has many of the symptoms of clinical depression during the depressive phase. During the manic phase the symptoms of this depression disorder are quite different.

• High almost unimaginable levels of energy
• Inability or lack of desire to sleep
• Rapid talking and activity
• Increased excitement or irritability
• Inappropriate sexual behavior
• Racing thoughts
• Poor judgment and out of control and impulsive behavior

Depression Disorders Can Be Treated

There are a number of treatments available for depression disorders once they have been properly diagnosed. Psychotherapy, cognitive therapy, and in the most serious cases medication can help people to get their lives back on track and help them to overcome the depression disorders which have taken control over their lives.

Anxiety disorder

Anxiety disorder is a general term used to define various psychological problems that are associated with uneasiness, fear, and apprehension, rumination based on future uncertainties or imaginary occasions.  This disorder affects individuals both physically and psychologically. Individuals diagnosed with anxiety disorder can be split into two categories based on whether the symptoms are episodic or continuous. However, recent diagnostic formulas have shown that there exist many and different types anxiety disorders. This may have been prompted by the rising number of cases around the world; in America for instance, it is estimated that up to 18 percent of the population experiences on or more types of anxiety. In Europe the number is a bit lower, currently standing at around 14 percent of the Europe population.

Anxiety disorder can also be regarded as a normal reaction to strenuous conditions, and it can also be beneficial to individuals. However, there are many disadvantages, which adversely affect the individuals. Although individuals may be aware of the anxiety and the problems it causes them, it is not easy to control it or wish it away. Anxiety disorder can affect both the social well being of an individual as well as the physical health. Anxiety disorder may take several forms, which may include obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-trauma stress disorder or panic disorder. These are just but a few mental problems that affect people in our society.

Causes of Anxiety Disorder

Research conducted on the causes, prevention, diagnosis and possible treatment of anxiety disorder have brought to light many possibilities. Different approaches have been attempted to find an explanation on what roles the environmental factors and also how genetic factors play a role in anxiety disorders. Environmental factors such as diet, psychological and physical factors as well as pollution are other important factors that are being researched on to establish their relationships with the rising cases of anxiety disorders around the world.

Science seems to support the assertion that genetic, psychological, environmental and even developmental factors play a role in cause conditions such as diabetes type 1, heart diseases and also psychological cases. Already it has been established that anxiety disorder may be caused by PTSD which emanates from trauma. Through advanced studies on genetics, answers to what leads to some traumatized people developing PTSD can be achieved.

Brain is the ultimate processor of all body activities; it is also responsible for anxiety and fear which anguishes the entire body. Science exploits have reviled that hippocampus and amygdala are the ones responsible for anxiety disorder. It is with this background that Alpranax is built, in order to satisfactorily carter for all the psychological and physical problems that result from anxiety.

Amygdala is the part of the brain that is thought to be the center for all communications of the body. It is the hub through which signals from various parts of the body converge, and are interpreted. It warns the other parts of the brain about an incoming danger, thus leading to fear and anxiety. It is believed that this crucial part of the brains can be central to anxiety disorder, which may even be responsible to the fear exhibited by individuals who fear diving, driving, walking at night, et cetera.

Alpranax solves the problem by acting from the center. It stimulates the brains and removes the anxiety, and in the process restores confidence in the individual.

Treatments for Depression - Opting for Natural Anxiety Treatments

Depression and the resulting anxiety can interrupt an otherwise productive and busy life. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S. affecting over 40 million adults over the age of 18. This is 18% of the U.S. population that suffers from some degree of anxiety. Half of those diagnosed with an anxiety disorder are also depressed. Almost one third of the country's mental health bill is spent trying to help people manage their anxiety, and many of these suffering from anxiety will end up being hospitalized and eventually on medication. Taking herbs for anxiety is an option that is beginning to appeal to more and more of those coping with mild to moderate anxiety who do not want to take the medications prescribed by to doctors.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety can be something as simple as being constantly plagued by nagging worries that do not go away or seem to have a legitimate cause. There are a wide range of anxiety disorders, from a general anxiety disorder (GAD) to OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and panic disorders. In some cases sufferers may have little choice but to be under the care of a doctor and on medication, but for many general anxiety disorders, herbs for anxiety can help avoid the need for prescription medications and provide you with relief that is natural and side effect free.

Why Avoid Prescription Medications?

While the medications prescribed by the doctor can work to provide relief from anxiety they do not come without a price. These medications often have undesirable side effects such as weight gain, dry mouth, nausea, decreased libido, dizziness, and headache. To make matters worse your body can become dependent on these medications making it difficult to wean off of them. One of the best reasons to avoid prescription medications and to opt for herbs for anxiety, is that prescription drugs can mask the problems you want to overcome, making it difficult if not impossible to eliminate anxiety. Herbs for anxiety offer a mild cure that can allow you to work on the problems that have caused the anxiety, and leave you with the option of overcoming the problem on a permanent basis.

Herbs for Anxiety

Chamomile - This is one of the mildest herbs for anxiety, and is perfect for those times when nervousness has taken a hold on your stomach and you need to calm down. Chamomile is mild enough to give to children, but potent enough to calm a bad case of nerves in both your stomach and your mind. Chamomile is not a long term treatment but best used as a short term solution.
Valerian Root - These herbs for anxiety are much more potent and can be used as a longer term remedy than Chamomile. While used primarily as a sleep aid, it also makes a great muscle relaxer, and for reducing mental and physical tension. Valerian root should not be used by children, pregnant women, or anyone that is taking other anti-depressant or anti-anxiety drugs.
St. John's Wort - This herb is best known for its use in fighting depression. Since anxiety is often linked to depression, it can also help to treat the anxiety. St. John's Wort is an excellent mood elevator, which can help to alleviate anxiety as well. St. John's Wort should not be used with other anti-depressant drugs, such as tricyclic antidepressants, SSRIs, or MAOIs, as it can interact with them and increase the potential side effects of these drugs.
Passionflower - These herbs for anxiety are getting a lot of attention since they work similar to Kava. Kava was once considered to be one of the best herbs for anxiety, however reports of liver problems has caused European nations to pull it from their shelves, and the U.S. to post a warning about it. Passionflower is best for mild and moderate anxiety but also shows some promise in treating severe anxiety. It works by reducing muscle tension and calming the nerves to prevent agitation and mood swings.  Passionflower should also not be used if you are taking any MAOIs.
Skullcap - Of all of the herbs for anxiety this one works best to soothe overly twitching muscles which are both a result of an overly active nervous system and a cause of anxiety. The natural sedative effects can help with insomnia, restlessness, and rapid heartbeat.

There are many herbs for anxiety than can help calm and relax you, helping you to sleep, avoid excessive worry and stress, and lift your mood. These herbs for anxiety do to not necessarily eliminate anxiety but help you to cope with it as you learn to overcome it with the help of cognitive therapy, meditation, and a number of other anxiety treatments.

What Causes Depression?

There are many different factors which can cause a person to suffer from depression or anxiety disorders. Nearly 18 percent of the American population suffers from anxiety disorders or depression. The many causes have been classified into several different categories. Any one or a combination of the categories can have an effect on whether or not a person suffers from depression or anxiety orders. The main categories are brain chemistry, heredity, personality, and life experiences.

Brain Chemistry and Depression

• Brain chemistry can play a large part on whether or not a person suffers from depression or anxiety disorders. Low levels of certain chemicals called neurotransmitters can have a profound effect on whether or not a person can process daily stresses and as such become vulnerable to depression or anxiety disorders.  The amygdala, a special cluster of sensory organs in the brain which process fear and anxiety responses, also affects whether or not a person may suffer from anxiety or depression.
• The amygdala communicates with the sensory parts of the brain to determine the appropriate response to fear, anxiety, or other stresses. Alcohol, caffeine, and drug use have a profound effect on the brain and can alter brain chemistry leading to depression and anxiety disorders. Oftentimes people who use alcohol, caffeine, or drugs experience an increase of their anxiety during the withdrawal phase and then the symptoms of their anxiety disorders cease.

How Heredity Affects Depression?

Hereditary depression or anxiety disorders are the result of certain genes passed on from parent to child. Identical twins have also been known to experience the same type of depression or anxiety. There have been several studies linking certain genes which are passed from generation to generation to the brains ability to process stress or emotions which may lead to anxiety disorders and depression.  Although a parent may suffer from depression or anxiety disorders, it does not necessarily mean the offspring will suffer the same.

Personality Traits and Depression

Individuals who have low self-esteem are often sufferers of chronic depression or anxiety disorders. Many scientists believe personality plays a large role in determining whether or not a person will develop depression or anxiety disorders. It is most often people with low self-esteem or below average coping skills who develop depression or anxiety. People who are shy or introverted can become sufferers of social anxiety disorders and depression due to feeling isolated. Children who develop anxiety disorders or depression can also suffer from long term depression or low self-esteem upon reaching adulthood. 

Life Experiences and Their Effect on Depression

It is said that life experiences determine who a person will become as they reach adulthood. The same thing goes for life experiences affecting whether or not a person will suffer from depression or anxiety disorders. Exposure to certain experiences such as domestic violence, poverty, hardships, or abuse over an extended period of time can lead to a person suffering from depression or anxiety disorders later in life. People who have experienced or witnessed traumatic events can develop post-traumatic stress disorder. Use of certain drugs, alcohol, or caffeine can also contribute to the onset of depression as well. Eliminating the use of drugs, alcohol, and caffeine can aid in curing depression or anxiety disorders.

There are a wide variety of anxiety disorders and depression, however there are equally as many treatment options available to help cure them. Speaking to a qualified healthcare professional will help determine the correct course of action and the appropriate treatment. At times a combination of several different treatments is necessary. Not all anxiety disorders and depression require medication. Some can be cured using different therapies or even herbal remedies.

What is Clinical Depression and Does Natural Depression Relief Work?

For someone who is clinically depressed life can seem to crawl at a miserable pace, and all the joy in life feels like it has been sucked away. Going to the doctor to admit you are depressed and unhappy is difficult, and the medications they prescribe come with a number of unwanted side effects. Natural depression relief is become more popular as people seek relief for the symptoms that trouble them while they work through the problems which caused the depression in the first place. 

Defining Clinical Depression

• As good as natural depression relief is, it is not for everyone. Understanding clinical depression and just how severe your depression is, is essential before you decide if natural depression relief might be right for you. It is important to consult with a doctor or therapist as well, diagnosing your own depression is risky and may lead to more serious issues.
• Depression is described as feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or despair. It can vary in intensity from mild to severe, and even to a point where a person may be suicidal. Mild depression may be temporary or could be a low grade long term depression that does not get better as circumstances change. Natural depression relief works particularly good for this type and level of depression.
•  The term clinical depression is used to describe a more severe form of depression termed major depression. At this point depression symptoms are more than just feelings of sadness, but in fact in many cases may be physical in nature. Symptoms for this type of depression include depression on a daily basis which never gets better, a loss of interest in activities you used to love, insomnia or sleeping too much, Fatigue, weight loss or gain, poor concentration, or possibly thoughts of harming oneself or suicide.

Can Natural Depression Relief Help?

Natural depression relief includes not only herbal remedies, but also things such as exercise, meditation, and nutritional changes. Clinical depression is serious and must be at least monitored by a professional. Most natural depression relief remedies can help, but may not be enough on their own to relieve a major depression. You must also take into consideration the fact that herbal natural depression relief can interact with anti-depressant medications, intensifying their effects, and leaving the door open for serious side effects. If you are taking anti-depressants you must check with your doctor before adding in any sort of herbal remedy. 
On the other hand if you are in pyscho-therapy and want to try natural depression relief, not all therapists are adverse to it. With the right regime of therapy and natural depression relief you can manage clinical depression without the use of pharmaceuticals that come with serious side effects. 

Natural Depression Relief Options

No matter what type of medication your doctor prescribes for you, self-care is an important part of recovery. One of the first things that happens when people struggle with clinical depression is that they stop taking care of themselves. This ranges from not eating properly to not taking time for your mental or physical health. Proper nutrition and exercise are important elements of natural depression relief, and things you can do no matter what type of medication you are taking and whose care you are under.

• Research has shown that eating a diet high in nutrients can help depression. Further studies have revealed that the brain is particularly at risk for free radical damage. From a practical point of view eating carbohydrates has been shown to have a calming effect on the brain. Researchers suspect that there might be a connection between carbohydrates and serotonin but more research needs to be done.
• Exercise has been shown to boost mood both because of an improved self-esteem and because it triggers endorphins that act as a feel good chemical similar to morphine. They are what is responsible for what is referred to as the "runners high" that runners experience.
• Another form of natural depression relief, meditation has been studied by a number of experts who are finding it to be even more helpful than drugs or counseling. The use of mindfulness based cognitive therapy teaches people to focus on the present rather than brooding over the past, or worrying about the future. 
• Herbal natural depression relief should not be undertaken if you are under the care of a doctor and taking other medications, without his knowledge. There are a number herbal remedies available, most of which are effective for mild and moderate depression. If you are working with a psychotherapist, let them know your desire to try natural depression relief in the form of herbal remedies.

Severe depression can bring life to a grinding halt, the right natural depression relief along with the right medical treatment can hasten your recovery and get you back on the right track. The trick is to work with the right doctor to choose the treatments that are best suited to the type of depression you’re a suffering from.

What is Major Depressive Disorder?

Depression in any form can significantly affect a person's life. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) estimates that approximately seven percent of Americans over the age of 18 will at some point in their lives experience one episode of depression. In many cases doctors can use treatments similar to anxiety cures to help patients overcome them. Major depressive disorder is one of the highest levels of depression and when it is coupled with elevated levels of anxiety can be much harder to treat. 

The STAR D Study

In an effort to better understand major depression when coupled with high anxiety and why this disorder does not respond to the standard anti-depressants used as depression and anxiety cures, the NIMH conducted the Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR D) study. The intent of the study was to look at the definition of major depressive disorder, as well as the various depression and anxiety cures to gain a better understanding of how the disorder occurs, why it does and how the various anxiety cures work or do not work.

This study revolved around four different forms of depression and anxiety cures that are currently being used to help those with "difficult to treat" major depression. During the testing phase a number of depression and anxiety cures were used both individually and in a variety of combinations. This study, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry in January of 2008, was the largest to have been undertaken to this point. 

Results Were Promising in Some Cases

• The symptoms of major depression alone are extended periods of sadness or hopelessness, extended sleep times, lack of interaction, and fatigue among others. When you add in anxiety, the patient is likely to become agitated and unable to function in most social environments. This might lead one to think anxiety cures, which include many of the same treatments used for depression would help. However, there is a percentage of people who simply do not respond or do not respond well to the standard depression and anxiety cures.
• The study involved 2,876 people, of these 1,530 were examined by a team headed by Maurizio Fava, M.D. at Massachusetts General Hospital to see if the depression and anxiety cures being used had any real effect. What they found was that of those with major depression and anxiety disorder involved in the use of Level 1 depression and anxiety cures, 42 percent showed a response to the treatments used and improved. 53 percent of those who had been diagnosed with just major depressive disorder showed an improvement with this level of treatment.
• At this point patients were given the opportunity to move on to Level 2, where they could try different depression and anxiety cures. Not only would this give the patients a better chance to bring their major depression with anxiety under control, but it would give doctors an opportunity to gain a better understanding of this disorder and how best to treat it. 

Treatments Offered

During the testing phase of the study into understanding treatment resistant major depression with anxiety, a number of the most commonly used pharmaceutical depression and anxiety cures were used. Among these were benzodiazepines, and beta-blockers along with several others. It should come as no surprise that not only do these treatments not work with all patients, but that there are a number of holistic and natural depression and anxiety cures which have been found effective when conventional cures fail.

The "natural" depression and anxiety cures being used successfully in the treatment of major depression with or without anxiety disorder are deep breathing and meditation techniques. These are similar to those taught in both Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese medicine. In many cases these techniques are used in conjunction with herbal and botanical supplements. Not only do these forms of treatment seems to work for a large percentage of patients, they do without the patients becoming addicted and without any major side effect, unlike the majority of drugs being used.