Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Depression Disorders

Depression Signs and Symptoms

We all have normal ups and downs in life, and times when we feel a bit blue. Depression disorders however are when blues goes to a deep sense of sadness or emptiness that does not go away. When depression disorders take hold, day to day functioning becomes more difficult, and in some cases depending on the severity of the depression, it may come to a grinding halt. Feelings of being overwhelmed or of despair take hold and leave a person either trying to avoid the pain of depression, or leave them desperate for a solution or end to their pain.

Understanding Depression

Not all sadness you feel can be labeled as one of the many depression disorders. The loss of a loved one may leave you grieving, or the loss of a boyfriend may make you deeply sad. These are completely normal reactions, and are not necessarily signs of depression disorders. When one of the many setbacks or disappointments in life make you sad, working through them and getting back to life may take a bit of time, but it is entirely possible to do. It is when you get stuck in a never ending cycle of emptiness and despair that you may be suffering from one of the depression disorders and may need more help.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Depression

How depression disorders affect an individual person will vary, but there are a number of common symptoms that are the same across all depression disorders and most people. It is important to remember that because you have one or more of these symptoms does not mean you have clinical depression. The type and depth of depression you have is dictated by the length of time and the intensity of the symptoms you have. Most doctors will also look for a minimum of five of the common symptoms of depression before they diagnose you with this any of the depression disorders.

• Feelings of Despair or Emptiness - This may also manifest as a deep sadness, feeling helpless, or without hope. It may feel like you are in a deep dark hole and there is no way out. There may seem to be no resolution to these feelings and those with depression disorders may feel trapped.
• Lack of Desire to Engage in a Hobby or Activity - Most of us have a hobby or something we really like to do. When you stop taking time for those activities it is typically because you have lost the ability to enjoy the activity or to feel happiness or pleasure. You may also lack the energy or motivation to put forth the effort an activity requires.
• Changes in Eating Habits - Another major sign of depression disorders is changes in weight or in eating habits. This will be different for individual people, some will stop eating and lose weight, while others may overeat. Others may continue to eat but take little interest in the types of foods they eat, and eat poorly. A change of more than five percent body weight in less than a month is an indicator that you might be suffering from depression disorders.
• Insomnia or Sleeping Too Much - This will depend on the depression disorders and the person. Manic depression is often accompanied by the inability to sleep, whereas sleeping too much is common for those with severe depression.
• Agitation or Restlessness - Women are most likely to become irritable and nervous, whereas in men depressive disorders most often manifest as anger and restlessness, however any individual can be affected in a myriad of ways. Your ability to tolerate problems or people will be greatly diminished and you may lose your temper quickly.
• Fatigue and Lack of Motivation - You may have no energy, or you may feel completely exhausted all of the time even when you have had plenty of sleep. The smallest tasks may seem overwhelming and beyond your ability to complete.
• A Feeling of Worthlessness - Being angry at yourself, or having a poor self-esteem. You may be hyper critical of everything you do.
• Inability to Focus - You may have a problem when trying to concentrate, and in extreme depression disorders you may suffer from confusion and a poor memory. Decision-making may be difficult due to the inability to focus and a poor self-esteem that makes you doubt all of your abilities.
• Pain - Depression disorders may manifest in physical pain, in the joints and muscles. Nervousness and anxiety may cause you to have stomachaches, and stress may increase the number of headaches you have.

Depression disorders can also lead to thoughts of death and suicide. If you feel like you are in a corner and there is no way out, it may lead to feelings of desperation. There are a number of highly effective treatments for depression disorders, and doctors can help diagnose your depression and help you get the help you need.

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