Sunday, January 25, 2015

How to Prevent Hair Breakage?

In our busy fast paced world hair breakage is a fact of life, but with a few simple changes to your hair care routine it does not have to be. The best way to stop hair breakage is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. Hair breakage occurs when hair becomes dry, brittle, or weak. There are a number of different causes of hair breakage including excess heat, improper hair care, and poor nutrition. In order to stop hair breakage you must identify what is causing it in the first place.

Prevent Hair Breakage at the Brush

One of the best ways to stop hair breakage is to pay attention to when and how you brush your hair. You should never brush your hair right out of the shower. Saturated hair is fragile and breaks easily. Wrap your hair in a towel and let it dry for 15 to 20 minutes while you take care of other parts of your morning routine. To stop hair breakage when you brush, start by choosing the right type of comb or brush. A wide tooth comb is your best choice for damp hair, be sure to use a leave in conditioner or a detangling spray that will make your hair easier to comb through.

What to Avoid?

To stop hair breakage it may be time to change up your routine. Use lukewarm water to wash your hair and avoid the use of a hair dryer and curling iron if at all possible, and minimize their use when you do need to use them. Heat of any kind dries hair out and makes it brittle. Without a way to replace moisture it sets up the perfect scenario for hair breakage. Another way to stop hair breakage from heat damage is to keep your hair out of the direct sunlight. If you plan to be outside, make sure to wear a hat or find a place to sit in the shade.

Harsh chemicals can do more than dry your hair out, they can actually damage your hair and cause it to break and fall out. To stop hair breakage use care when choosing hair care products, there are a number of products that are much gentler on the hair. You can talk to your stylist to find out what products will be best for your hair type.

Avoid washing your hair too much, daily washing will dry your hair out and leave it brittle. Soaps strip the natural oils from your hair shafts leaving it vulnerable to damage.

Proper Nutrition Matters As Well

If your nutrition is not what it should be your hair and your skin are the first two places you will see the damage. One of the best ways to stop hair breakage is to make sure you are eating right. Make sure you are getting a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. Drink plenty of water and take an omega3 fatty acid supplement.

The Best Products to Stop Hair Breakage

Start with a shampoo and conditioner which offers deep moisturizing. There are a number of them available at your local salon or store. Hot oil treatments, serums, and protein treatments can help to restore the balance of protein and moisture to your hair and leave it strong and supple. If you have serious issues with brittle hair and need a more serious product to stop hair breakage you can find professional level treatments which are designed to revitalize your hair. They combine, protein with nutrients and moisturizers, to penetrate deeply into the shaft of your hair and repair damaged and weak hair. Not only can these treatments stop hair breakage, they can repair split ends as well leaving your hair healthy, strong, and supple.

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