Monday, January 5, 2015

Penis Enlargement Surgery

Penis enlargement is a common issues that many males face. In fact, every man wants to have a bigger penis. While there are penis enlargement pills out there that can help to a certain extent, there are newer surgical techniques that have better results and can significantly improve your penis size.

Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual disorders encounter in males. While it may be a common problem in many males, males that normally don’t experience premature ejaculation may do so if they have not had sexual intercourse for a prolonged period of time. You may be interested in trying to prevent premature ejaculation.

Some men may classify premature ejaculation as not being able to enter their partners vagina for long enough before ejaculating, others may ejaculate almost immediately upon entering their partners vagina, while others still may ejaculate even before entering their partners. Whichever category you fall into, you and your partner can be very frustrated by this problem. It is therefore important to find a solution that can prevent premature ejaculation which works for both you and your partner.

So what are the different ways in which you can prevent premature ejaculation. Most individuals can use the cognitive behavioral techniques to prevent premature ejaculation in the privacy of their home. This does not require any medical intervention. Some of these techniques include the “stop –start” technique, the “squeeze” technique, the “slow down cowboy” technique and the “self-stimulation” technique to prevent premature ejaculation.

The stop start technique is one of the most popular exercises used to prevent premature ejaculation. When the male reaches climax, he must remove himself from the vagina to reduce sexual sensation, and resume intercourse when sensation returns after a few seconds. This way he can control when he climaxes and when he ejaculates.

The squeeze technique to prevent premature ejaculation is performed by squeezing the head of the penis on the underside where the head and shaft meet as soon as the man is about to climax. This prevents ejaculation and allows normal intercourse to resume.

The Slow down cowboy technique to prevent premature ejaculation is based upon the man controlling the tempo of movement in the vagina. If he feels that his is going to climax too soon, he needs to slow down the tempo until it is the right time to climax.

The self-stimulation exercise to prevent premature ejaculation is based on the man becoming aware of how the body reacts to a sexual stimulus. By stoking the penis he can identify his reaction and use that information to control ejaculation and prevent premature ejaculation.


Masturbating before intercourse can delay the time it takes to climax the second time around and therefor prevent premature ejaculation.

Control the pubococcygeus muscle is another learned technique that can be used to prevent premature ejaculation. This muscle controls the ejaculatory response as well as the flow of urine. The muscle can be exercised during urination by attempting to stop the urine before you have completed urinating. This strengthens the muscle and allows for better control during intercourse.

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