Saturday, February 7, 2015

Best Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite - A Cellulite Treatment Which Actually Works

Do you have cellulite buildup on your thighs or buttocks you would like to get rid of? According to "The Cellulite Solution: A Doctor's Program for Losing Lumps, Bumps, Dimples, and Stretch Marks" by Dr. Howard Murad M.D., approximately 90 percent of all women have at least some cellulite. Of these, the vast majority are looking for an effective cellulite treatment. Studies indicate that eliminating the unsightly bumps and dimples caused by excessive amounts of cellulite is one of the top issues with today's women.

How Cellulite Creates an Unsightly Appearance?

Cellulite is a form of fat which attaches itself to the connective tissues in the middle layers of a person's skin. When this happens, the cellulite pulls on the skin, doing so more in some areas than others. This results in the uneven or dimpled appearance of the skin. This unnatural appearance is why so many women and men spend so much time and money searching for a cellulite treatment. They want one which will not only get rid of the excess buildup of fat, but will help to restore the smooth, youthful, and natural appearance of their skin. This is something that very few of the different types of cellulite treatment can successfully achieve.

Laser Cellulite Treatment

In February of 2012, a new form of laser cellulite treatment received approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This is considered to be a surgical procedure and as such underwent a full two years of clinical trials before the FDA would give its approval. According to cosmetic surgeons, this new procedure may in fact be one of the best ways to get rid of cellulite available today.

• One reason this form of cellulite treatment is considered to be so effective by many, is that not only does it eliminate the excess fat cells, but as long as you follow the recommended diet and exercise program, they will not come back.

How Does this Cellulite Treatment Work?

Bear in mind that using a laser for cellulite treatment is in fact considered to be a surgical procedure. You will experience bruising and pain with this treatment. Those areas treated will become red and may be painfully swollen in the areas surrounding the locations of the incisions made by the surgeon. You may also experience some bleeding from the incisions, and you will need to wear compression garments covering these areas for a period of time to ensure complete healing.

• As part of the cellulite treatment, the surgeon will use the laser tool to melt the pockets of excessive fat where they have bulged into the mid-layer of skin. This is to eliminate the bulges under your skin. The laser will also cut the fat from the connective tissues, this releases them so that they no longer pull on the skin, creating unsightly dimples. Finally the procedure is designed to stimulate the body into producing more elastin and collagen, which adds thickness to the skin and gives it a more youthful appearance.

Expense and Success

As this new procedure is being advertised as one of the best ways to get rid of cellulite, it only stands to reason that it would also be one of the most expensive forms of cellulite treatment currently on the market. Average costs are currently (as of 2013) estimated at between $7,000 and $10,000, depending on where the treatment is performed and how extensive the buildup of cellulite has become. Success rates are currently estimated to be in the range of 90 to 95 percent.

As long as the person who has undergone this form of cellulite treatment maintains a healthy lifestyle and diet, the results are considered to be permanent. However the procedure is still relatively new and has not been around long enough for long term studies to have been completed.

What are the ways to quit smoking?

Ways to quit smoking come in various types and methods. Due to the fact that all humans are different you should therefore examine which method is best suited for you. Regardless of your age, quitting tobacco can be a real headache for many. If you are considering quitting tobacco, you should be sure to take all necessary steps that will help in making this a reality. There are both natural and non-natural ways of quitting tobacco. Natural ways involve the use of herbal substances that act in the same manner to the nicotine but are not addictive. Non-natural ways include the use of prescribed medication to help stop the nicotine habit. However, these drugs may cause some side effects due to their chemical composition. The natural ways to quit smoking do not have side effects; in fact, they are beneficial to your health. On the other hand, smoking cessation drugs can help in easing the withdrawal symptoms that come along with complete withdrawal from nicotine. You should talk to a doctor in order to get advice on the most suitable quitting method for you.

Ways to quit smoking include:

• Nicotine replacement therapy: this refers to the act of replacing cigarettes with other nicotine substitutes such as a nicotine patch or a nicotine gum. This usually works by delivering small amounts of nicotine to the body so as to deal with withdrawal symptoms which are sometimes very difficult to deal with for some people. This helps smokers to break their psychological addiction thereby making it easier for the addicted people to learn new behaviors.
• Non-nicotine medication: this method helps you to quit smoking by reducing your cravings and withdrawal symptoms without using nicotine. However, these medications are intended for short periods only because they are also addictive. You should be careful not to become addicted to them as well.
• Hypnosis: this is a popular option that has produced good results. It works by getting you into a deep state of relaxation where you become open to suggestions that will strengthen you quest to quit smoking and at the same time increase your negative feelings towards cigarettes.
• Acupuncture: this is one of the oldest medical techniques, it is however believed to work by triggering the release of natural pain relievers that then allow the body to relax. It can help in dealing with withdrawing symptoms of tobacco addiction. 
• Behavioral therapy: the addiction of nicotine is related to habitual behaviors that are involved in smoking. Behavioral therapy refers to the learning new coping skills and at the same time breaking those old habits.
• Motivational therapy: it is important to find a way to motivate yourself to quit smoking. For example, you can think of the monetary savings that you will make if you quit smoking. The support of friends and family can also help in motivating you to quit smoking.
• Reduction: you can systematically reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke in a day until you eventually quit smoking. However, this requires a high degree of discipline for it to be successful.

Tips on how to quit smoking

There are various tips and products to help you to quit smoking. Nicotine replacement therapy, herbs and programs like nicotine anonymous can all help you quit tobacco. However, you try to find a treatment that best works for you.

• Use the nicotine patch, nasal spray or gum: nicotine replacement therapy treatments are one of the most recognizable methods for quitting smoking. Treatments include a transdermal patch, nicotine gum, an inhaler and a nasal spray. In order to increase your chances with these methods, you should steer yourself from the use of nicotine as much as possible. While using this method, you can replace your nicotine habits with good habits such as drinking herbal tea in the evenings before going to bed. 
• Use herbs to quit smoking: there are herbal products that offer a natural alternative to the quit smoking programs already available. The herbs create a similar effect to the brain as the nicotine does, but are not addictive. Herbs are therefore safe for your body. Herbs also help in relieving the withdrawal symptoms that may be experienced by victims as a result of complete withdrawal from nicotine. Natural products use a combination of herbs to help deal with the nicotine addiction.
• Begin an exercise regimen: exercises can help you ease the tension you will experience as you withdraw from nicotine. Walking is the easiest way to start exercising. You can also try yoga, cycling, swimming or joining a gym. This will help in keeping you mind occupied thereby hindering you from thinking about the nicotine cravings. It will also keep you busy and utilize the time that you would have otherwise used to smoke. You should also get more rest as this will give you more energy to combat your addiction because quitting is quite a tiring process. Water also helps in reducing your cravings. You should keep a bottle of water by your side at all times so that you can drink whenever the nicotine cravings begin to kick in.
• Delay: this is a technique whereby you delay in taking a cigarette every time you get a craving. The longer you delay, the closer you are towards quitting your nicotine habit. Do this repeatedly and you will begin to experience the benefits of it.
• Prepare yourself to quit: make a stop smoking plan that is customized to your personal needs. For example, if you normally smoke while listening to the radio, make plans to do something that would occupy you during the time that you would otherwise be listening to the radio. Set a quitting date and share this with your friends and family. You should also remove any tobacco related items in your car, home or place of work before your quit date.
• Research on the various methods of quitting: do an investigation on the various methods of quitting the nicotine habit. Methods such as nicotine replacement therapy whereby, you use substances such as patches, nicotine gums and lozenges and also non-nicotine medications that are in the form of a pill. They help in combating the nicotine addiction as well as the withdrawal symptoms that come along with complete withdrawal from nicotine.

Quit smoking and live healthy

Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable death. Health implications to the smoker and the secondary smokers are a direct result of the smoking. Tobacco contains nicotine which is an addictive substance when used for a long period. This means therefore that to ensure a healthy life, there is need to quit smoking. This can be done with or without the assistance of professionals. Medical intervention is also used where drugs and nicotine replacement therapy are applied.

Smoking affects almost each and every part of the body. According to studies carried out, people who smoke to their old age are more likely to die from a smoking related illness. For those who quit smoking early in life they are likely to suffer from fewer consequences. The most common diseases associated with smoking include cancer. Where most people attribute smoking to lung cancer, research has indicated that it is related to many other forms of cancer.  Among them is the cancer of the mouth, kidneys, pancreases, stomach, colon, bladder and acute myeloid leukemia. The risk of developing long term lung diseases is also increased by smoking. This leads to further complications which may include emphysema and bronchitis. These two diseases are characterized by difficulty in breathing thus falling under the class of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Their major effects include chronic illnesses ad disability.

Peripheral vascular disease which is narrowing of the blood vessels that carry the blood to the arms including hands and legs is also highly attributed to smoking. It also increases the likelihood of heart attacks with smokers being twice more likely to die of the problem than non-smokers. Walls of the blood vessels that carry blood to the brain are also affected and this situation leads to stroke. More to that it has been attributed to impotence among men smokers. In order to remain safe and evade the risk of contracting all these problems it is important to quit smoking.

Medical practitioners advise highly on pregnant women to quit smoking. The reason for this is that smoking poses a great health risk to the woman and to the baby as well. Women aged over 35 years, are using birth control pills and are smokers stand a high risk of heart attack, stroke and blood clots on the legs. They are also likely to miscarriage or give birth to low weight babies. Low weight babies usually have low immunity against many childhood diseases and are therefore likely to die in their young age. For those that survive, they normally develop physical or learning problems.

Irrespective of age or sex it is advisable to quit smoking early. Those who quit smoking before the age of 50 years cut their risk of death by up to 15 years compared to those who do not. Those who do it now stand a better chance of leading healthier and quality lives. At stop smoking there is adequate information regarding the consequences of smoking. Also contained on the website is numerous information regarding the benefits available for those who quit smoking.

Tips on how to quit smoking

It does not matter whether you are a teenager or an older person with a habit of smoking, quitting is always a tough thing to do. However, there are various methods which you can use to effectively quit smoking. Tobacco smoking is a very addictive habit that is tough to stop, that’s why many tobacco smokers continuously seek for various techniques on how to stop smoking. Cigarettes contain nicotine which can provide a temporary but addictive high. As a result, completely withdrawing the use of nicotine will cause your body to start experiencing cravings for the drug as well as withdrawal symptoms. Nicotine has a feel good effect on your brain, which then associates smoking with a way of dealing with stress, boredom or even depression. Smoking is also ingrained as a daily ritual and may be an automatic response for you to smoke. However, there are various methods which can be used to help you quit smoking.

Nicotine replacement therapy: this therapy consists of products such as gum, nasal sprays, nicotine patches and inhalers. These methods of quitting smoking give you doses of nicotine with the aim of helping to gradually stop the habit of smoking while you continuously use less and less nicotine. Using nicotine replacement therapy, it is possible for you to become addicted to a nicotine substitute. Therefore, you have to be very careful.
Stop smoking drugs: these are prescription medications that are designed to reduce the withdrawal and craving symptoms. Drugs such as Zyban and Chantix help to undo the part of your brain that had become rewired by the nicotine. However, this method is not guaranteed to make you quit smoking.
• Herbal products: these products offer a natural option to the nicotine replacement therapy and prescription drugs. Some herds are known to create a similar effect on the brain like nicotine, but non-addictive. Other herbs deal with symptoms such as quitter’s flu and irritability.
Cutting down gradually: you can reduce your nicotine intake. This is done by reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke in a day. You can also try delaying to smoke whenever you feel the need to smoke. However, your final quitting date should be no more than two weeks after your start.
Stop smoking plan: there are people who can quit smoking quite easily than others. Creating a solid stop smoking plan will have to include a quit date. The help of your friends and family is also encouraged considering the challenges that you will face after the set quit date. You should also get rid of all tobacco related items in your home, car and work place. You should also speak to a doctor about some treatments for nicotine addiction.
• Other ways: there are ways that can help you to quit smoking that do not involve nicotine replacement therapy or prescribed drugs. Such methods include behavioral therapy, nicotine vaccination and hypnosis.

The question on how to quit smoking is a challenge to every addicted smoker. However, finding the easiest method of achieving this has to be a personal choice because you may react differently as compared to somebody else.

Easy ways to stop smoking

After using cigars for a long time, many people find it quite difficult to stop smoking. This results from addiction and lack of strong will power to desist from taking another cigar. Majority of smokers will start the habit as fun only to realize its negative effects when they are already into it and are addicted. It is at this point that they start seeking ideal ways to keep off the habit. Due to the popular belief that it’s difficult to stop smoking many will shy away from working out the necessary models hence remaining victims of their own making.

It is the subconscious mind which reminds a smoker that a puff is required. The subconscious mind has a strong control of the body’s involuntary activities. This means therefore that upon making the decision to stop smoking you are required to reprogram your mind that you are no longer a smoker. This can be done by repeatedly shouting to the brain the message until such a time that it sticks. This will with time reduce the craving for smoking thus marking the first and essential step.

Avoid keeping cigarettes that can be smoked. Seeing the non smoked cigars will create the urge to go for one at times with the belief that it will be the last one. In their place you may consider having a packet with cigarette butts and a bottle of water. Upon feeling the urge to smoke, open the packet with the butts and take a big whiff. The disgusting smell will make you hate smoke even more and after that take a sip of water as a reliever.

Caffeine is one of the addictives contained in the cigarette. When trying to stop smoking the urge to try out other substances which contain caffeine is high. This is available in both coffee and sodas. The urge to take excessive amounts of these is quite high and since their absorption is much slower when compared to nicotine contained in cigars. Reducing the intake progressively will work a great way in reducing the craving. The intake of coffee should be limited to two cups a day on the higher side.

Cranberry juice is essential in cleaning the nicotine from the body system. Whereas the body may take up to 3 days to clean nicotine from the system, this juice will speed up the process. One of the challenges in quitting is the taste in the mouth which tells you that you need a cigarette. This can be addressed by cleaning the mouth regularly. Using white wine vinegar is also important as it leaves the mouth with a clean and fresh taste.

Taking up exercises is ideal way to rid you of stress associated with after effects. Taking water regularly is also ideal to keep the body hydrated and as well increase the body’s metabolic system. These steps are essential in rebuilding the body from the harmful effects of smoking. To stop smoking, all is required is will power and following the instructions which work well for you. There are many modalities which can be put into practice, but not all that work for everyone.

What is the best way to quit smoking?

There are several methods that can claim the title “the best way to quit smoking” among different people. However, there are a number of ways one can use to stop the addiction to nicotine. According to analysts, the best way to quit smoking is by the natural methods but it is not often used. Natural methods do not have side effects and therefore more beneficial to your health altogether, aside from helping to stop the nicotine addiction. Apart from natural methods, there are other methods which include nicotine replacement therapy and prescription medication which may be harmful to your health as well.

Best way to quit smoking using natural means:

• Lobelia: it is used to trick the nicotine receptors into thinking that they are still receiving nicotine. It is not addictive when used over a short period of time. It does not increase the blood pressure and heart rate the way nicotine does.
• Passion flower: this was used traditionally for relaxation. However, it is still useful in eliminating the nicotine withdrawal jitters.
• Peppermint: it has been in use for a long time now. It helps in promoting detoxification.
• Ginger root: it helps in soothing the stomach, hence relieves the upset that nicotine causes to the stomach.
• None-addictive nicotine substitute: nicotine withdrawal is the hardest thing an addict has to deal with. Non-addictive substitutes include herbs such as lobelia which react in the same way as nicotine but are not addictive. These herbs also help victims to deal with certain respiratory conditions that associated with quitting of nicotine use.
• Use herbs to relax your system: quitting brings about some intense emotional and physical stress and feelings which for some people are too much to deal with alone. It is for this reason that some quitters rely on herbs such as peppermint, skullcap and sarsaparilla to help them deal with the symptoms complete withdrawal from nicotine.
• Keep your immune system strong and healthy: quitting the nicotine habit completely, can have a negative impact on the immune system. It is for this reason that today’s quitting methods include ingredients that support the immune system so that they are less prone to contract viruses and other ailments. For example; herbs such as cayenne pepper and eleuthero root work very well in supporting the immune system during the quitting process. Other herbs help to increase the body’s resistance to respiratory inflammations, common cold, disease and infections.

The natural methods of stopping the use of nicotine do not contain nicotine like their counterparts. Completely withdrawing from nicotine has some intense emotional and physical side effects. This is why a number of stop smoking programs incorporate small amounts of nicotine. However, natural methods tend to rely on lobelia because it has the same effect to the brain as nicotine but is not addictive.

Natural ways of quitting has quite a number of benefits to the patient. Someone who is addicted to nicotine will experience complete wellness without the side effects that come along with other methods of quitting nicotine.