Saturday, February 7, 2015

All about Stop Smoking Hypnosis

Currently, there is a lot of information about the use of hypnosis to help individuals overcome their addictions to nicotine. Much of this debate has been on whether hypnosis actually works in helping one overcome nicotine addiction. In view of this, it is important for one to have all the information about hypnosis, how safe and effective the method is and finally, whether stop smoking hypnosis is a safe and effective method that can help one overcome addiction to nicotine.


In general, this refers to a mental state in which a person is in a trance but not unconscious at all. When in this state, one’s awareness is altered in such a manner that a person may appear to be asleep; but this is not the case; research has indicated that the brain of a person under hypnosis is still highly active. In medical practice, hypnosis is used to treat a variety of conditions such as extreme physical pain and serious addiction. It is this last use that forms the basis of stop smoking hypnosis as used to help individuals overcome nicotine addiction.

How it works?

There has been a lot of debate about how stop smoking hypnosis actually works. One important thing to note, though, is the fact that this therapy works in similar fashion as when hypnosis is used to treat other conditions in clinical practice. Hypnosis is used as a tool that helps an individual to get into a state of mind under which one is completely relaxed, able to concentrate and willing to accept suggestions that are given by a trained hypnotherapist.

There are several methods of carrying out the procedure; one common method entails a three – step approach that is administered on a person. In this method, an individual is taken through a stop smoking hypnosis procedure that focuses on three main themes: the poisonous effects of smoking to the body of the individual, the need of the individual to have a healthy and poisonous free body, and lastly, the necessity of the individual to respect and take good care of the body at all times.

Safety and effectiveness

The safety of using stop smoking hypnosis can almost be guaranteed. With the help of a professional, this method is sure to work without any serious safety concerns. What is important also is that after an individual has been successfully taken through the process, the person is taught self hypnosis procedures. This is a simple process that an individual can repeat when alone whenever the urge to smoke recurs. Also, it is important for one to note that the effectiveness of this method is dependent on individual differences. Not all individuals show a positive response to this method. Cases of persons who fail to respond to all attempts of using stop smoking hypnosis as a method of overcoming their addiction are common. Also, it is common practice for hypnosis to be used in conjunction with other therapies. This includes using nicotine replacement therapies and other methods. Lastly, the effectiveness of this method, just as is the case with all the others, can be assured when one actually makes the personal decision to overcome addiction to nicotine.

Why smoking cessation is important?

Smoking cessation is an ideal process which leads smokers to attain a healthy living and as well give secondary smokers a chance to enjoy a healthy environment. Smoking puts you in the risk of contracting chronic diseases which includes cancer and heart attracts. It also poses those to you close to you the same problems irrespective to the fact that they are not direct smokers. They are normally referred to as secondary smokers.

Health and communities around the globe are advocating for smoking cessation among people of all walks of life. This is after realization of the fact that smoking is one of the leaders of preventable deaths and chronic illnesses. Smoking affects almost each and every body part and hence is attributed to many diseases which include cancer. It’s the perception of many that smoking results only in lung cancer. However, the truth is that smoking will lead to the cancer of the mouth, abdomen, colon, bladder and pancreas among others. It is also known to be the major cause of lung diseases such as bronchitis and emphysema. The two cause difficulties in breathing and results to chronic illnesses and disability.

Cessation smoking can be done by oneself or through assistance by medical practitioners and community workers. Using a method commonly referred to as ‘cold turkey’, you may decide to stop and stick to that forthwith. This method is not overly effective with only 4 – 7% of those who try the process managing to successfully quit the habit. Clinical methods normally involve adequate counseling and use of assisted methods to help the addict quit. This involves use of supplements as well as alternative substances and a reduction in the intake mode until such a time when the patient has fully recovered from addiction.

The benefits that accrue from smoking cessation are many and ideal for attaining overall healthy standards. They are broken down in respect to time starting from the first day when smoking is stopped. Within 24 hours after cessation all nicotine is out of your system and carbon monoxide will have reduced significantly within the bloodstream allowing for much oxygen. After 5 – 7 days most of the nicotine by-products will have cleared from the body and a great improvement made to the senses of smell and taste. After one year the risk of dying from heart disease caused by smoking will have reduced by half.  Ten years later the risk of contracting lung cancer is reduced by half provided the disease was not developed by the time of cessation. After fifteen years the risk of dying from heart attack and stroke will be at per as that of a person who has never smoked.

Making decision today for smoking cessation will have great health advantage to you and to those around you. Other than health, financial benefit is also prevalent. Smoking is done on daily and regular basis and the overall cost of buying cigars is excessively high. Diseases and other health implications that result from smoking are also expensive to treat. Once smoking has stopped all these costs will be eliminated hence saving substantially.

Ways to quit smoking

There are a number of ways to quit smoking that you can use. However, not all options are entirely beneficial to you. There are both natural ways which employ the use of herbs. This method is more beneficial to you because it does not have any side effects. The other method is by use of prescription drugs. This method has side effects to your body due to the existence of chemicals in the drugs. These methods work differently depending on the person. It is therefore important that you choose a program or method that works best for you. Some of these methods include:

• Nicotine replacement therapy: this is one of the most recognizable quitting methods. This treatment includes the use of nicotine gums, nasal sprays and patches. However, this method has one shortcoming, it is also addictive. You should therefore be very careful that you do not become addicted to the nicotine substitutes.
• Herbal products: these are natural options to the nicotine replacement therapy that can help you to deal with the nicotine addiction. Some herbs behave in a similar manner to nicotine, whereby, they trick your nicotine receptors into thinking that you are getting a nicotine substance but it is not addictive. Other herbal substances help in relieving you from the symptoms of withdrawal that you are experiencing as a result of withdrawal from nicotine.
• Aversion therapy: this is a method whereby a victim self administers a mild electric shock from a normal 9volt battery as he/she smokes a cigarette.
• You should have your own quit smoking plan. Start by setting a quit date and work towards achieving this. Involve your friends and family by making them aware of you quest to quit smoking as they will offer you with moral support as well as encouragement.
• Know your motivation: whenever the urge to smoke comes, your brain will rationalize the situation and make you think that there is no harm in smoking. You should find out why you’re smoking before the urge comes. Always have good reasons for quitting. List them out and put them in a place where they will remain to be a constant reminder of the reason why you want to quit smoking.
• Join a forum: consider joining an online forum of quitting smokers. This may do a great deal in helping you to quit smoking. By joining a forum, you don’t feel as miserable as you would were you doing it alone. Get to know other people who are going through the same thing as you and see how others have dealt with the problem as well. They will also celebrate with you whenever you make some progress, this can be very motivating.
• Reward yourself: always reward yourself for any progress that you make. Make them good rewards that you will always look forward to.
• Delay: whenever you feel the urge to smoke, always try as much as possible to delay the smoke. Also do something that will distract your mind from the urge such as doing small exercises. Eating a snack or drinking water will also help in eliminating the urge to smoke.

Tips on how to quit smoking

Smoking is a dangerous affair which carries a whole lot of health complications. Basically, majority of the smokers adopt the habit from their young age and before they realize it, they are already addicts. It is at this juncture that they start looking for ways and methods of how to quit smoking. This is after they realize of the dangers that lie ahead and at times when they start experiencing some complications related to smoking.

The human brain is a very powerful tool in controlling the body operations and desires. It is in this respect that when smokers make considerations on the best options on how to stop smoking they are required to set their minds on achieving this goal. It is the subconscious mind that keeps reminding the smoker that they require to take a puff. Reprogramming the subconscious to hate smoking is the first step on the road to stopping the habit. This will keep reminding the ex-smoker that “I am not a smoker and I hate smoking, I love this new and healthy lifestyle”. This repeated over and over even loudly to convince the subconscious and reprogram it from craving for the cigar.

After this has been done it may be importance to seek medical assistance. A visit medical center will help open up to a practitioner who will advise on the best options on how to quit smoking. Medical centers also offer platforms where ex-smokers meet and share out their experiences. This works in a great way in encouraging the new ex-smoker to stick to this new lifestyle. A visit to the medical facility will also give exposure to the pains and suffering that are associated with smoking. This may be through interaction with those already in the facility and who are undergoing treatment for smoking implications. Information is also availed by the medical practitioner through training and counseling sessions.

Smoking is addictive and more so due to its caffeine composition. Upon quitting the smoking habit, craving for caffeine will continue. Caffeine is available in other elements which includes coffee and sodas. The temptation for taking these substances for those working out ways of how to quit smoking may be high. This is for the reason that absorption of caffeine from coffee or soda is not absorbed quickly as when smoking. However, it is important to desist the craving and take an average of one to two cups of coffee in a day. This will with time reduce the craving and thereby reduce the chances or rebounding back to the smoking habits.

When considering how to stop smoking it is ideal to consider the health benefits that accrue from the process. However, it may not be an easy process more so for long time smokers. In this regard,  a number of alternatives are available which include the e-cigars, herbs and other medical supplements to reduce the craving for the cigarettes.  This information on the best practices while seeking how to stop smoking is available online on the platform. On this site, smokers who wish to quit also receive information from qualified practitioners as well as advice from ex-smokers which will work a great way in improving on their conquest.

How to quit smoking made easier?

Almost each and every smoker would like to quit the habit. However this realization comes a bit too late when they are already submerged in the habit. Most smokers acquire the habit in their teen years from their peers and in some instances from the parents. At this age they understand too little about the consequences and many live to regret it and start seeking ways on how to quit smoking. Among the major consequences of smoking include developing chronic illnesses and death. There are many options which are available to the smokers which they need to adopt in their quest to quit the habit.

The most addictive component of in smoking is nicotine. In this regard, those who are seeking for ways on how to quit smoking can consider using nicotine replacement treatments. These include nicotine gum, the transdermal patch, nicotine nasal spray and an inhaler. Despite the fact that these products are recommended and have worked for some people, they fail to work for others leading them back to smoking. It is therefore important that nicotine intake should be reduced and more so reliance on these products. Herbal supplements are also available for quit smoking programs. They offer similar effects as nicotine and will cause relaxation to the body. They are not addictive hence safe for the body and have proved to ease withdrawal symptoms of nicotine addiction. They are composed of various herbal products where lobelia herb otherwise known as Indian tobacco is commonly used.

Nicotine addicts often suffer from withdrawal symptoms which include nausea among others. These effects are associated with the retreat to smoking if not properly addressed. For this reason, measures such as creating a schedule for exercising may prove ideal if you are considering how to stop smoking. The simplest and effective exercise is walking and jogging. While undertaking this, the body releases ‘feel good’ hormone known as endorphin. This has the same feel of high effect as smoking and therefore ideal. Taking enough rest is also recommended. Other exercises are also recommended which may include swimming among others. Regular intake of water is also essential as it will boost the body’s metabolism as well as keep the body hydrated.

Human brain is one strong character for controlling the body operations. As you try out other ways on how you stop smoking it is important to make your brain believe that you are not a smoker. This can be achieved by repeatedly telling your brain that you are not a smoker even loudly until it registers in the subconscious. The subconscious component of the brain is responsible for the craving for the cigarettes and once it registers that it is unwanted the craving will fade off gradually.

It is never easy to quit any addictive habit. This means that concerted efforts are required to achieve this purpose. In some cases medical intervention may be required to address the problem. It is also important to note that when making a choice for the ideal process, what works for one person may not work for another hence the need to seek out various models on how to quit smoking. You can find detailed information on how to quit the habit simply by referring to the platform.

Common Stop Smoking Aids

Overcoming nicotine addiction is a slow process that requires commitment, focus and a strong sense of direction. There are many aids that can be used to help one completely overcome this habit. Here is a quick guide on common stop smoking aids that are in use.

Common Products

To begin with, there are a number of commonly found products that can act as effective stop smoking aids. This is because of their ability to help reduce the strong cravings for smoking that characteristic the first few weeks when one is under a programme that seeks to help stop smoking. Products such as baking soda, vitamin C and vinegar can help one stop smoking, when used over a long period of time. They work by helping to reduce the strong urge to smoke. This urge is a common phenomenon in all individuals who are under a quitting programme. For instance, using vinegar to clean the mouth helps to maintain a fresh feeling which; in the process; helps to overcome the urge of smoking again. On the other hand, taking vitamin C supplements helps to replenish what has been depleted through smoking. Also, the alkaline nature of baking soda can help reduce the urge to smoke. This can be of great importance particularly during the first two weeks of a quitting programme when the desire to smoke becomes very strong. The advantage of these products is that they are easily available and can serve as effective stop smoking aids to anyone.

Commercial Products

Commonly known as nicotine replacement therapies, these form one of the most common commercial stop smoking aids in the market. The essence of their effectiveness is that when properly used, these products provide a minimal amount of nicotine over a long period of time. Unlike actual smoking, using these products ensures that one slowly gets over the nicotine addiction as well as avoiding the large amounts of carcinogenic substances contained in cigarettes. There are many types of this therapy, but all of them work in the same manner which is: providing limited amounts of nicotine to the user which helps one to cope with both the physical and psychological needs of nicotine addiction. If used properly, products such as stop smoking patches, the electronic cigarettes and nicotine nasal spray can act as effective stop smoking aids. One important thing to note is the fact that these products can only work when one is actually undergoing a quitting program; using these products while still smoking renders them completely ineffective.

Other additional products that can be used as effective stop smoking aids include cranberry juice, hydrogen peroxide and niacin. These are common products that work by either reducing the craving to smoke (as is the case for cranberry juice and hydrogen peroxide) or replacing minerals lost as a result of smoking (niacin). Also, there are many other products that fall under the category of commercial products. Their main mode of action is that they provide a slow, safe and steady supply of nicotine to the body; thus allowing one to gradually overcome addiction to nicotine.

Best way to quit smoking

The most appropriate way to quit smoking depends on every individual. However, it is more likely that you will get a method that is more beneficial to you as far as your health is concerned. For some users, the urge to smoke can be more powerful than others. Every time you resist a tobacco craving, you go one step closer towards quitting the nicotine habit.

Best ways to quit smoking

Delay: When you feel the need to smoke, try to restrain yourself for a little longer and then do something that will distract you from thinking about the urge to smoke. This trick may just be enough to derail you from the path of tobacco cravings. However, you have to repeat as often as possible.
Do not have ‘just one’: Often are the times whereby just one cigarette leads to another and another. You should not fool yourself into believing that you can stop. You may end up using tobacco again.
Avoid triggers: Tobacco urges are likely to be strongest during situations where you smoked or chewed most often such as bars and parties. You should avoid going to these area as they will remind you of how you used to smoke thereby triggering the urge to smoke again. Therefore, you need to identify your triggers and avoid them.
Get physical: Physical activities are a good way of distracting you from the tobacco cravings. Physical activities also help to reduce the intensity of the cravings. Doing some form of exercises when you feel the urge to smoke can go a great mile in helping you to overcome these cravings. If you cannot exercises, you can also do chores such as paper work filling or even vacuuming.
Practice relaxation techniques: In most cases, smoking was a way of dealing with stress. Therefore, resisting a tobacco craving can be very stressful. You can try practicing some relaxation techniques such as yoga, massage, hypnosis, muscle relaxation and deep breathing exercises.
Call reinforcements: call upon your friends and family for moral support. You can also join a support group. This will give you the support you need because it makes you feel like you’re not in this alone and therefore you feel more encouraged to quit smoking. You can chat or just take a walk together or share a few laughs.
Remember the benefits of quitting: Keep on repeating the benefits that you will experience after quitting tobacco. This may help in motivating you to quit because you will be looking forward to the good things ahead.
Chew on it: You can also give you mouth something to do in order to fight the nicotine cravings. You can chew on sugarless gum or hard candy.
Go online: Consider joining an online support group. This will give you the encouragement that you need to quit tobacco. You should also learn of how other people have done it.
Nicotine replacements: You can also substitute a cigarette with a nicotine replacement. They may include nicotine gums, lozenges and nicotine patches.