Monday, February 9, 2015

How to Get Rid Of Cellulite?

One of the most common complaints women have with their looks is the unsightly appearance of cellulite. Cellulite affects 8 out of 10 women as well as a small percentage of men.  Throughout the years people have tried reducing cellulite in a variety of ways. Some have used a combination of diet and exercise, creams, or surgeries. What works for one person may not work for another, but thankfully there are a variety of different ways for reducing cellulite. One of the best ways to start reducing cellulite is to learn a bit more about what it really is.

What Is Cellulite?

Cellulite isn't anything to be overly concerned about it is simply fat cells which have pushed up into the middle layers of the skin. It is most commonly found in the buttocks, thighs, abdomen, breasts, and upper arms. Cellulite happens when the skin begins to lose elasticity, either with age or in areas which experience heavy friction such as the inner thighs and upper arms. The loss of elasticity in your skin happens when the connective tissues start to break down. When this happens, the fat cells underneath your skin bunch up and create the appearance of “cottage cheese thighs”. Another common cause of cellulite is genetic, chances are if anyone in your family has had issues with it, you might too.

Different Ways of Reducing Cellulite

One of the most common and effective ways of reducing cellulite is creating a healthier lifestyle, one involving a healthy diet full of lean meats, vegetables, whole grains, and fruit. Avoid fried foods and those that are high in saturated fats. Reducing the amount of salt in your diet as well as drinking lots of water also helps your body to flush toxins and reduce fat. Quitting smoking and reducing the amount of alcohol you drink also play a part in reducing cellulite.

In addition to a healthy diet, a regular exercise routine is great for reducing cellulite. A good exercise routine involves both cardio and strength training. Cardio helps to boost metabolism and burn fat, while strength training helps to tone and strengthen your muscles which will help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Some exercises you can do are squats, weight lifting, biking, running, swimming and yoga.

• Other common, although more expensive, ways of reducing cellulite are surgeries like liposuction or laser cellulite reduction. Liposuction is a procedure where excess fat is removed with high powered suction. It reduces the amount of cellulite and can help to improve body shape. Liposuction is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures and generally has minimal scarring.
Laser cellulite reduction is another surgical process to help with reducing cellulite. The laser removal process breaks down the connective fibers and visibly helps to smooth skin. It also breaks down and shrinks the fat cells under the skin and allows your body to process the excess as waste. There are a couple different types of laser reduction. The first type involves a small incision and insertion of a laser into the skin. Another way of reducing cellulite involves a laser aimed at the skin in combination with massage and suction, this procedure will help loosen and then remove the excess fat.  Both will help smooth the skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Last, but certainly not least are cellulite reduction creams. They are painless and much cheaper than cellulite reduction surgeries. Creams aid you in reducing cellulite by hydrating and toning the skin, boosting metabolism, and reducing the fat cells. While using cellulite creams, noticeable results can be achieved in as little time as a few minute or it may take as long as one to two weeks. You should look for a cream with a combination of proven ingredients to help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Some of the most common ingredients in cellulite reduction creams are Shea butter, which helps to tone your skin and caffeine which helps to reduce excess water your body has stored.

There are many different ways for reducing cellulite. Before you pick one, take a little time to evaluate how much cellulite you have and do some research into your options. What works for one person may not work for another, but with so many options available there is something for everyone.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Top 4 Meditation Classes in Miami

Whether you're trying to calm your mind or heal your spirit, there are a number of great meditation centers in Miami you can check out. Each one has its own style and offers a different type of meditation, of which there are dozens, so do a bit of reading about the style at each Miami meditation center to decide if it will work well for you. Most of these centers that offer meditation classes also have websites you can check out with sessions that are either free or very affordable.

1. International Zen Institute of Florida
This meditation center offers Zen meditation, which is practiced around the world. Zen meditation requires sitting still to prepare both the mind and body to gain deep insight into yourself. You'll be instructed to close your mind to any images and thoughts and, after awhile, your heart rate will slow.

The International Zen Institute of Florida has a location in Coconut Grove with sponsored sitting groups in Key Biscayne and South Beach. They hold meditation classes 5 days a week, with newcomers encouraged to stop by on Fridays, with a $5 suggested donation.

2. Siddha Yoga Meditation Center in Miami
Siddha Yoga forbits any form of advertising, so you might miss this cool Miami meditation center. Siddha Yoga meditation is a transformative path to your inner self and it's based on teachings from ancient Indian philosophies. The center offers meditation classes in Miami every week, which are no charge and open to the public. If you're new to the center, try visiting on Monday evening when guided meditation sessions and Hatha yoga stretches are offered.

3. Miami Shambhala Buddhist Meditation Group
This group is part of Shambhala International, which offers meditation classes and retreat centers founded by Tibetan buddhist meditation master, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Their classes depend on the student's interest and experience level, and may include an introduction to meditation, guidance on a path of practice, help with working on obstacles to meditation and clarifying the view of meditation. Their weekly gatherings are held every Thursday at their El Portal, Florida location.

4. Mindfultime
Mindfultime is the first dedicated mindfulness meditation space in South Florida. Mindfulness meditation is one of the most popular types of meditation classes, and this form of meditation is also one of the most studied. Numerous benefits have been discovered, including promoting weight loss, improving your ability to enjoy music and handle stress and even bringing about changes at the genetic level.

Mindfulness meditation will teach you to be mindful about everything in your life through concentration and deliberate thought for greater awareness of your surroundings and a more relaxed body and mind. Mindfultime offers meditation classes in Miami with a schedule that changes occasionally, and may be viewed at their website. They offer both group meditation classes and private instruction available every day of the week.

Scoliosis - Finding Chiropractic Care in Miami, FL

Scoliosis is a painful, sometimes debilitating condition. If you have scoliosis you know the difficulties of day to day living; everything is changed. Your gait (the way you walk), your posture is compromised which then puts strain and pressure on the rest of your body including your spine, causing discomfort which results in fatigue.

If you have been diagnosed with scoliosis or suspect that you may have it, here are some possible indications that you may be living with in your day to day life.  If any of these are the case for you, look into finding a Chiropractor in Miami Beach.

Scoliosis is defined as being a curvature of the spine which results in ten degrees or more from right to left (right to left view of the body is known as the coronal plane), or front to back deformity (known as the sagittal plane). Both forms cause you to bend in awkward, unnatural ways.
  • There may be symptoms of another condition such as spina bifida (a developmental disorder in which the embryonic neural tube never fully closed during formation, causing some of the vertebrae which lay over the spinal cord to remain unfused, unformed, and open).
  • Neurological trouble may be present, such as: diminished reflexes, decorticate posturing (arms may be flexed and hands bent inward, legs flexed and feet possibly turned inwards), decerebrate posturing (extremities tend to be extended and rigid).
  • Muscle, particularly abdominal, spasticity.
  • Neurofibromatosis, “cafĂ© au lait” spots which present with spots of a light brown color generally in the diameter of 4-6mm.
  • Cavovarous deformity, which is an effect seen in the feet of scoliosis sufferers. This is fixed plantar flexion, also called a high instep- abnormally high.

If you are presenting with any of these symptoms, or suspect you are, do not wait to find a Miami chiropractor. If you are even suspicious that you are suffering scoliosis, or you know that you are but have not had success or alleviation in dealing with this disease a chiropractor in Miami Beach is the answer.

A Miami chiropractor will be there to assess and answer all of your questions as well as provide practical help. Make an appointment and find out what is possible for you. During your appointment a few basic assessments will be performed, along with imaging so that your doctor will be able to clearly explain and see the severity of your condition. You will be asked to perform what is known as the Adams Test; you will be asked to bend forward as far as possible.  During this test the chiropractor will be able to determine if you have any prominence- if so an X-ray will be the next step.  You will also be subject to the use of a scoliometer. A scoliometer is a measurement system by which the curvature of your spine is determined by degrees in angles.

Your Miami Chiropractor will be able to provide you will the best treatment and assistant. Miami Beach Chiropractors are some of the best in the world. Not only will they know the most simplest (but effective) forms of treatment, but also the more complex and involved. You will be given options and professional, compassionate care.  They will be able to help you gain your mobility and quality of life back through multiple types of therapy; Physiotherapy, which is non- invasive and involves the use of targeted muscle therapy to correct the complex asymmetry of scoliosis. Occupational therapy, which is used to correct, maintain mobility and level of activity, and learning to work and live with scoliosis; part of this intervention may involve wearing a corrective and supportive brace. If your scoliosis is particularly severe, you may be a candidate for corrective surgery and casting which will greatly improve if not completely cure your condition.

Whatever the level of diagnosis, your Miami chiropractor will be the answer to a long road of discouragement and dead ends. Scoliosis does not have to define you or determine your lifestyle; let the medicine of chiropractic change your life.

New Study Finds Gardening and Housework Good for Heart Health

A new study released this week finds that everyday activities like gardening, do-it-yourself projects and even housework may be just as good as formal exercise for reducing the risk of a stroke and heart attacks, according to Swedish researchers.

People over the age of 60 can reduce their risk of cardiovascular issues by almost 30% and extend their life simply by staying busy with daily activities, as just being active cuts into the time that would otherwise be spent sitting around.

Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic, which offers cardiovascular care in Palm Beach, Florida, points to this research as an easy way for seniors and people of all ages to do something everyday to improve heart health. A spokesperson for the clinic added, "This just shows that you don't need to push yourself to work out every day or do anything strenuous to keep your heart healthy. Sometimes it's the simplest things that keep us healthy in the long run."

The clinic spokesperson also pointed to other long-term studies that find that sitting around increases not only the risk of cardiovascular disease but also the risk of diabetes and premature death.

For this study, researchers collected information on over 3,800 people in Sweden born between 1937 and 1938. Study participants were asked information about their lifestyle, diet, whether they smoked or drank and their activity level, as well as how often they performed daily activities like gardening, car maintenance and even picking blueberries and regular, intentional exercise.

To measure heart health, researchers took blood samples to assess fat and sugar levels, and they checked for high levels of blood-clotting factor, which has been linked to an increased risk of stroke and heart attack.

Individuals whose daily activities kept them busy reduced the risk of heart attack or stroke by about 27%, and the risk of dying from any cause was decreased by 30%, when compared to the individuals who spent the least amount of time activity.

The Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic spokesperson says this research is especially important for older people who tend to spend more time doing non-exercise activity and find it harder to reach recommended exercise intensity levels due to health issues.

Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic offers cardiovascular care in South Florida for adults of all ages, including including EKG, EECP, stress tests, diagnostics ultrasound and diagnostic nuclear imaging to guide patients on healthy preventative measures to maintain cardiovascular health. Their website offers additional education on heart health.

Mindfultime Meditation Center Shares Research on Mindfulness Meditation

Mindful-time Meditation Center is located in the southern part of Miami, Florida. Mindful time offers personal meditation instruction, guided group meditation sessions, and special workshops that teach people the different aspects of mindfulness meditation.

The center teaches the many benefits of mindfulness meditation. This type of meditation is used to reduce stress, relieve anxiety, and to enhance a person's well being. Mindfulness meditation is also used to help a person be more focused, regulate their emotions, and how they should respond in many different circumstances. Mindfulness meditation is used to help prepare people for many types of situations they may encounter, both in their personal and professional lives.

Meditation has been practiced for centuries by people of many different cultures. It has been used to naturally alleviate many mental and physical ailments. Some of these ailments include, high blood pressure, emotional trauma, post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, insomnia, stress, digestive disorders, eating disorders, and phobias. Meditation has been shown to relieve these ailments without the use of habit forming medication.

Mindfulness meditation is used by people of many cultures and backgrounds. It has even been used in business settings. Studies have shown that, in a business context, increases in mindfulness have been associated with an increase in creativity, and has decreased the risk of burnout. Many large companies have already instituted mindfulness training and wellness operations at their place of business.

Mindfultime Meditation Center teaches the techniques of mindfulness meditation to those who are experiencing stress in their lives. It is used as a tool to combat the daily pressures that are associated with stress. Mindfulness meditation is a tool that people all over the world use to relieve the anxiety and stress of daily life. Mindfultime Meditation Center offers classes and instruction that enable a person to manage their stress and anxiety, and relax in chaotic situations.

People who are struggling with stress and anxiety can learn more about the services available online.

Meditation Center in Miami Announces Update to Its August Class Schedule

Mind full time, South Miami's first dedicated mindfulness meditation center, announces the cancellation of group meditation classes from August 21st through the 24th. Group classes will resume the week of August 25th. The center reminds participants to RSVP for group classes.

The monthly meditation schedule at Mind full time is subject to occasional changes, and the center encourages fans and class participants to subscribe to their newsletter to stay up-to-date or follow the center on Facebook or Twitter to be alerted to any changes.

For the remainder of the summer, Mind fultime will offer private instruction which is scheduled for Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Guided group meditation classes are held from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm on Wednesdays, 10:00 am to 11:00 am on Fridays and 10:30 am to 11:30 am on Saturdays. Private instruction is also available on these days when group classes are not in session.

Mindful time’s current rates for classes are $30 per class, or $250 for a batch of 10 meditation classes. The rate for private instruction is $75 to $125 and available by appointment only. Classes are held every week at the Red Road meditation space and interested individuals should RSVP to ensure a space in the class by calling (305) 761-5001 or filling out the contact form on the website.

Mindfulness meditation is one of the most clinically studied and most popular forms of meditation, and it is not religious-based. Instead, it's a tool to help people navigate through the stress of their daily lives. This research-based form of meditation is based on the 2,500-year-old Buddhist practice of Insight Meditation and it's designed to help people develop the skill of paying attention to both inner and outer experiences with patience and acceptance.

More than 1,500 studies have been conducted on mindfulness meditation since 1967, and it has been found to be a clinically effective way to manage stress, chronic pain, depression, anxiety and panic and much more. It has also been found to increase energy, improve sleep and digestion, improve pain management, and decreases the frequency and duration of illness by boosting immune system function and much more.

Mind full time is the first dedicated mindfulness meditation space in South Miami, and the center was founded by meditation coach Alice Lash, who has been practicing this form of meditation for more than a decade. With a degree in teaching mindfulness meditation through the Residential Training Retreat for Professionals, she guides individuals in this beneficial tool and travels to teach it to businesses and groups.

We are South Miami's first mindfulness meditation center that offers group guided meditation sessions, private sessions and special workshops. The center was founded by Alice Lash, a lawyer by training who obtained additional training to teach mindfulness meditation.

Miami Hypnosis Center Unveils New Website Design

Miami Hypnosis Center is pleased to unveil its new website. The August 2013 re-launch features improved navigation and a cleaner design that makes it easier for consumers in South Florida to learn more about the center's treatment options and services.

The contemporary look is meant to streamline user experience and features enhanced resources and functionality to further the center's goal of impacting the lives of everyone that walks through their doors. Miami Hypnosis Center merges many disciplines, including hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming and counseling to empower people to realize their full potential.

The new website also features in-depth explanations of the center's services, including hypnosis or hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), stress anagement, light and sound stimulation, life and business coaching and Skype coaching, including the useful applications of these services.

Miami Hypnosis Center focuses on helping clients manage and overcome a wide range of problems and personal roadblocks, including losing weight, reducing stress, eliminating fear, overcoming depression, controlling anger, improving self-esteem and even getting past procrastination.

The center is founded and owned by Todd Goodwin, a certified practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), and a certified member of the National Guild of Hypnotists. He is also among only 2% of hypnotists in the United States who have been awarded the designation of a Board Certified Hypnotist. Much of his work revolves around helping clients lose weight, quit smoking, improve sleep and eating habits, reduce stress and fears and improve self confidence.

The newly unveiled website may be viewed now. Individuals in the South Florida area may also contact Miami Hypnosis Center to schedule a free consultation, as the center only works with those who they feel will be helped by their services.