Monday, February 9, 2015

Common Types of Breast Implants

The need to have full breasts may make it necessary for many people to seek aesthetic surgical procedures. The essence of such procedures is that breast implants are inserted into the breast tissues. This makes the breasts to have a form that is much fuller in terms of the desired shape and size. There are many types of implants; their classification is based on the type of substance used in them. Also, the choice of implants depends on several factors. These include costs, safety and personal preferences. Below is a brief description of commonly used types of breast implants.

In general, there are two broad types of implants: those made of silicone and saline. Each of these types of implants has related pros and cons. In addition, there is the oil filled type of breast implants. This type is common in European countries only, since its use in the United States is yet to be approved by the Federal Drug Agency.

Silicone implants are by far popular in terms of usage. They are made up of silicone shells that are filled up with plastic silicone gel. Their great advantage is that they give a much more realistic feel to users than the other types of breast implants. However, cases of infections and related complications arising from leakages of dangerous compounds through the casing of silicone breast implants led to their temporary ban. Currently, these types of implants are still in common use after extensive studies showed using them is not as risky as it was once thought to be.

Saline implants were developed in order to offer increased safety to users. They are made up of silicone rubber shells but filled with saline water instead of silicone gel, as is the case in silicone breast implants. Since the saline solution used in this type of implants is generally non - toxic in the event of leakages, saline implants are generally seen as being a safer alternative to the silicone ones. This is in terms of safety of use and long term effects on the body.

Oil – filled breast implants are made up of silicone shells that are filled up with a special type of oil. This is still less toxic as compared to silicone gel that is contained in the original silicone implants. However, its use is still limited to other countries.

All these types of breast implants have different advantages and disadvantages. For instance, it has been argued that all types have the potential of producing harmful effects to one’s body in the event of a leakage. This is so because of the fact that all the three types of implants are made up of a silicone rubber shell that contains other harmful compounds used in creating silicone material. This means that regardless of the material used to fill them up, all types of breast implants may be harmful in the event of an accident during or after the procedure. Also, health and other complications which arise in some individuals long after the procedure are not related to one type of implant but are rather associated with any type of the implants.

Wrinkle cream ingredients to look for

It is in most cases very difficult to know what the best anti wrinkle cream available in the market today is. One common way of determining the best anti wrinkle cream is by looking at the ingredients that have been used to produce it. There are key ingredients that are the active ingredients in anti wrinkle creams. Users therefore have to determine whether these ingredients are present. Looking for the best anti wrinkle cream involves a lot of research on the side of the patient. You should also determine whether you are allergic to any of the ingredients contained in the anti wrinkle cream.

People always try to get rid of wrinkles on their skins in a bid to look even younger. Wrinkles appear because of ageing. Naturally, the skin wears out which causes the appearance of wrinkles on the skin.

Some ingredients to look for include

Retinol: this is a vitamin A compound. It is a powerful antioxidant usually used to manufacture anti wrinkle creams in the modern age. It works to neutralize the harmful radicals in the skin. The free radical break down the skin cells. Retinal destroys them thereby preventing any further damage to the skin. it also increases the production of collagen whose levels decrease with old age. Collagen helps to improve the skin’s firmness and builds new skin cells. Retinol is therefore a very important ingredient that should be contained in anti wrinkle creams.
Hyaluronic acid: this occurs naturally in the skin as you age. However, the amount gradually decreases as you age. It is put in anti wrinkle creams to boost its levels in the skin. It widely used in anti wrinkle creams as a moisturizer because of its ability to retain water in the skin.
Coenzyme Q10: this compound also occurs in the skin naturally but its levels decrease with old age. Once the levels drop, the skin can no longer produce collagen and elastin. Other important nutrients are also not produced. These nutrients help in neutralizing the free radicals that cause damage to the skin. This affects the health of the skin. This enzyme is used in anti wrinkle creams so that it can promote the production of collagen so that the skin is able to repair itself. It also contains antioxidant properties that help in preventing damage to the skin caused the sun’s harmful rays.
Tea extracts: these are antioxidants that are well known and they contain all the vital nutrients and oils that are required by the skin to nourish it. It also increases the production of collagen. Tea extracts are rich in vitamins that help the skin to rejuvenate itself. It also helps in improving the skin’s elasticity. They greatly help in reducing the fine lines and wrinkles that appear on the surface of the skin, giving you smooth and soft skin. It is believed that tea extracts help in neutralizing the free radicals. It also helps in nourishing the skin.
Vitamin C: this also an antioxidant that works to protect the skin from damage caused by the sun’s rays. It is for this reason that anti wrinkle creams containing vitamin C, should be stored away from sunlight and air.

Why is Life cell so Expensive?

Everyone would prefer to enhance and maintain a perfect body shape by keeping all skin conditions a bay. The skin starts to wear out from the age of 18 years and if it is not enhanced effectively it results to sagging as the years proceeds. Methods through which a perfect body can be attained vary from one person top the other and also depend on the individual’s financial capability. Lifecell skin care products are among the most expensive skin care products which are known to produce fast, effective and reliable results.

Unlike most of the over the counter care products, lifecell skin care products are made of proven and tested products that are guaranteed to work. This means that adequate research models have initially been put into place to ensure that the correct product is sought. This is unlike these other products which in some instances contains fake components which do not really work. The increase in the need for effective products required for this purpose has led to flooding of the market with fake products which are ideally cheaper when compared to genuine and actual products.

The speed and rate at which lifecell skin products produce results is fascinating. This is when it is compared to other available models used for this purpose. Exercises and diets are known to be effective in contributing towards treatment of the skin problems. However when put into practice these will take days, weeks and even months before any positive results can be identified. This is also effective when compared to other models of cream application which are fake and will carry  devastating side effects.  Unlike other products, the lifecell products are known to start showing effect only 17 minutes after application.

A number of models available for treatment of the skin related problems require enhancements to better their performance. However, skin products are known to come in an all in one pack which ensure that all the required properties are attained simultaneously. This pack contains a 24 hour moisturize which penetrates 20 layers of the skin cell to ensure a thorough nourishment of the skin cells. It also contains a natural collagen stimulator which enhances the production of collagen and effectively reduces fine lines and wrinkles.

Other enhancements included in a lifecell skin care all in one kit include an age dot reducer is also available which is used to get rid of any marks left on the skin during the process. There is an eye treatment which is required to increase the moisture balance in the skin around the eyes thus reducing puffiness and red circles. Finally the all in one kit contains a lip plumper which when used produces fuller and sexier lips while leaving a smooth effect in the areas around the mouth.
The choice for using the lifecell product may be hard to make. This is for the reason that cost makes the first and ideal consideration when there is need to purchase any product. This and more information regarding the product and which is essential in weighing the  attribute of cost against the benefits can be found on the website.

What is a Cheaper Alternative to Life cell?

Although many of us would appreciate some of the things that come with old age; wisdom, respect and experience, the body appearance does not boast of the same success. In old age it is ridded with varying medical conditions and diseases which are a headache to many. An old skin is normally marked with wrinkles which make it look rough and bumpy in appearance. This makes it important to consider appropriate choices to address this problem. There are various models which can be used where lifecell wrinkle cream offers one of the solutions.

Aging process is made to continue naturally and cannot be reversed; thus there are no models which can be used against the aging progression. However there are models that can ensure that one ages gracefully. In this regard, these models require adoption early in life to enhance a better management of the aging process. This is for the reason that the human body receives these models better when a bit younger. Anti aging products available are mainly made from nutritional enhancements which increase the body’s metabolic rates among other enhancements that improve the production of collagen which is essential for skin cells production. These products are also available in lifecell wrinkle creams which make it to have alternate options for those who may fail to raise the necessary cost of acquiring the product.

Attaining a smooth and youthful skin normally requires financial input. The more effective the product, the more expensive it is bound to be. Lifecell wrinkle cream is one expensive product which is highly acclaimed by various superstars for its effective results. This makes the products to be placed in high status within the society and effectively increasing its valuation and pricing. However, the cost of acquiring this product which retails at almost $200 may be above the powers of majority of would be users. Alternative creams and other models are therefore available which can be effectively used for treatment of wrinkles.

Whereas dieting and exercises are not known to provide total cure for wrinkles, Lifecell wrinkle cream which contain the necessary ingredients have been proved to be effective.  Food and exercises are offering a solution to the problem though it will normally take a longer period of time before effective treatment can be achieved.

In the market today, creams are available which have almost the same properties as lifecell wrinkle creams. The necessary components in these creams include antioxidants which are contained in Retinol. This is a form of vitamin which contains free radicals whose main work is to break down unstable oxygen molecules which are responsible for causing wrinkles. These creams are also known to be rich in exfoliants. These are chemicals which a re essentially used to remove the dead cells from the skin hence stimulating the growth of new and youthful skin.

What Do The Best Anti-Wrinkle Creams Have in Common?

Recent researches have revealed that that every person is conscious of how they look and also how the skin appears. Being attractive is a desirable thing, and everyone focuses on achieving it during their youth.  According to research findings, the people questioned indicated that they would like to appear youthful on their obituaries. This indicates therefore that everyone would wish to appear youthful in the face of others despite the fact that aging is not reversible. This can however be made possible using the best anti wrinkle creams. This identification has led to an overwhelming business where search and purchase of anti wrinkles products has been growing tremendously.

There are various models which are used for treatment using the best anti wrinkles cream. These are used depending on a variety of issues which the patient requires to consider. These include the skin type, the extent of the wrinkles and the overall body health. Cost and time require to achieve the desired treatment may also form a basis for consideration. In this regard, exercises, diet and anti aging cream have been used for this purpose. The treatment can be sourced from medical facilities where a dermatologist is available for consultation. Exercises and diets are simple home practices which can be designed and carried out at home effectively. Over the counter creams and pills are also available which can be used for this purpose.

For any product to qualify as the best anti wrinkles cream, it requires to contain various components. These components include whereas dieting and exercises are not known to provide total cure for wrinkles, anti aging creams which contain the necessary ingredients have been proved to be effective.  These products also require to be used for the right period of time. The necessary components in these creams include antioxidants which are contained in Retinol. This is a form of vitamin which contains free radicals whose main work is to break down unstable oxygen molecules which are responsible for causing wrinkles. These creams are also known to be rich in exfoliants. These are chemicals which a re essentially used to remove the dead cells from the skin hence stimulating the growth of new and youthful skin.

Water and other moisturizing agents are also used in production of the best anti wrinkle creams.  This is essential to keep the skin hydrated and also maintain its youthful outlook and hence an ideal way for treatment of wrinkles. However creams sold over the counter are known to contain other components which may not be ideal for use as the may be posing a higher risk of developing side effects. In some instances these products are also in effective and thus not essential. Consulting a qualified medical practitioner is essential in the quest of identifying the best products to use for this purpose.

Essential information regarding the best anti aging creams is available on the internet platform On this site information regarding the composition of various creams is also available making it possible to indentify the best products for your skin type. Also available is reliable information on various sources from which the creams can be sourced.

What age should you start using anti-ageing products?

Due to the risk of developing health complications, many people always wonder when is the right time to start using anti-ageing products. It can be either too late or too early to start using the anti-ageing products. However, it is important that you first study and review all the risks that are involved with the use of anti-ageing products including their side effects. It is possible to start using anti-ageing products at any age but it makes most sense to start using them when you are growing old because wrinkles start to appear during this time. Anti-ageing products work to reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the skin and in turn, they make you look younger by tightening the skin and making it look young.

However, ageing is not something that can be avoided by anybody. Therefore, some people start using anti-ageing products early enough in a bid to ensure that they do not become old. Instead, they will always appear to be young all the time. The most troubling problem for many is when to start using anti-ageing products. Sometimes, waiting until the wrinkles have started forming is waiting for too long and in other times, starting before the wrinkles have shown, is starting too early. The key to achieving good results after using the anti-ageing products is by starting early enough. Anti-ageing products work to slow down the ageing process, thereby, making you look younger for longer.

Ageing in the 20s

There is no definite age at which you should start using anti-ageing products but it is advisable to start thinking about the safety of your skin as early as when you are in your 20s. the common skin problems that are experienced during this time is acne. While still fighting to get rid of these, some thought should also be put towards protecting your skin in future. This will save you time in future instead of stressing yourself with the wrinkles and lines that will appear.

You should cleanse your face at least twice a day never sleep with your make up still on your face. Prepare a daily facial treatment routine that you can do every day without any fail. Ensure that the following are included into the routine:

• Facial moisturizer which is most appropriate for your type of skin
• An exfoliating scrub and should be used at least once a week. This works to prevent the accumulation of dead skin.

Ageing in the 30s and above

At this age, the skin begins to need a little more help than before. The elastin and collagen begin to break down while the skin looses it firmness. The fact that you are older, means that you have also been exposed to UV rays from the sun for longer. These rays also contribute towards destroying your skin.  You should still continue using the anti-ageing products but change the formulas so as to suit your requirements. You can step up your age prevention techniques with the following products:
• A serum that works to help your skin in the making of the collagen that it needs. This increases the firmness of your skin. It is known as a firming serum.
• An antioxidant based serum that will work to boost the skin’s level of protections.

The difference between a moisturizer and wrinkle cream

People seem to always be confusing between moisturizers and wrinkle creams because they both appear to be doing the same job. They both make the skin appear more smooth and softer.


These refer to complex mixtures of chemical compounds that are specifically designed to make the outer layers of the skin become softer and smoother. They work to increase the skins hydration. This is achieved by reducing the rate of evaporation from the skin. Moisturizers help to keep the skin hydrated. Moisturizers contain lightweight oils in their ingredients. Moisturizers protect and treat skin while improving on its tone and texture.

How moisturizers work as the best skin care product?

• Semi-occlusives: Moisturizers work by forming a thin film on the skin’s surface that will prevent it from losing moisture, thus keeping the skin hydrated.
• Humectants: these compounds attract water vapor from the air, which is then used to moisturize the skin.
• Restoration: this refers to the situation whereby the moisturizer restores the skin’s natural moisturizing factors such as amino lipids.

Risks of moisturizers

When assessing the safety of moisturizers, you have to look at the ingredients contained in the moisturizer as well as the risk of getting a bacterial contamination.

Recent studies indicate that moisturizers increase the risk of getting skin cancer

On the other hand, anti wrinkle creams which are also referred to as anti-ageing creams are similar to moisturizers but are more effective because they are dedicated to the work that they were designed for. Anti wrinkle creams depend on the ingredients in them for their effectiveness. These creams contain key ingredients that are used in achieving their intentions, which is to remove the wrinkles from the skin altogether.

Key ingredients that make it the best skin care product:-

Retinol: this is a compound derived from vitamin A. It is known to reduce lines and spores that appear on the skin’s surface.
Epidermal growth factor: this works to stimulate the cell renewal process and the production of collagen in the skin. It also increases the elasticity of the skin as well as reducing the lines and wrinkles that appear on the skin.
Alpha hydroxyl acids: these work to dissolve the intracellular that usually hold the cells that are dead together thereby freeing them from each other. Using this product on a daily basis, helps in enhancing the exfoliation and the epidermis.
Antioxidants: their purpose is to repair the cells that have been damaged by unstable muscles and the free radicals.
Vitamin C: this is one of the of the most effective ingredient when it comes to anti wrinkle creams. It promotes the healing process in the skin.
Niacinamide: this is also an antioxidant that is related to vitamin B. it helps to reduce the loss of water from the skin.

Therefore, a comparison between moisturizers and anti wrinkle creams if difficult to come up with. Furthermore, deciding which the best beauty care product to use, is wholly dependent on the user. Different users have different needs about what they want taken care of on their skin. The existence of these different need help to determine which beauty product to use.