The organism is the final stage in the sexual act which is characterized by ejaculation. Though it normally occurs in the sexual content it may occur in other instances which maybe during sleep in what is known as wet dreams or a result of prostatic disease. Therefore ejaculation is simply emission of the semen from the male reproductive organs. The amount or volume of semen produced is an ideal characteristic in sexual performance which includes the satisfaction of the parties involved as well as a major concept in reproduction. When you ejaculate more it is a sign of masculinity and more so an ideal delivery of sexual pleasure.
An ejaculate is mainly 90% water. Semen is the major component of the ejaculate and is made up of opalescence and opaque. The volume of opalescence is mainly determined by the sperm count contained. During organism you ejaculate an average of 1 to 5 milliliters of semen which is equivalent to a small teaspoon. An ejaculation can travel up to 3 feet but the average is between 7 to 10 inches. It is preceded by an alkaline fluid which is essential in neutralizing the acidity within the penile tracks which may have resulted from recent urination. The ability to ejaculate more varies from man to man. Within a span of one hour a man may ejaculate from one to four times. The highest recorded man was known to ejaculate a total of eight times in a single session.
Age, genetics and health status of an individual are known to affect the volume of the semen produced among other factors. However, there are many options that are available which if put to practice will ensure an increase in sperm and semen production and hence ensure you ejaculate more. These include natural options or use of medical options otherwise referred to as sexual enhancers or boosters.
Ensuring a healthy diet that is free of high caffeine intakes, alcoholic drinks and avoiding junk foods has been known to improve the male reproductive system. Foods rich in vitamins E and C, Folate and Zinc are essential antioxidants of the body. Celery contains androsterone which increases libido while zinc and Omega-3 is known to increase sperm production. Regular exercise of the PC muscle is also essential for sexual performance as well as easier ejaculation. This muscle forms the hammock which joins the pubic bone in the front with spine forming the floor of the pelvic cavity. All these natural strategies will leave you ejaculate more and as well rid the body of sexual disorders which include erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
Sperm production is a continuous process within the male sexual organs. Abstaining from sex for a few days maybe 4–5 will ensure an accumulation of semen and this will also ensure that you ejaculate more. This can be further enhanced by eating foods which includes green leafy vegetables and cashew nuts which in effect increases the sperm production. Also exercises which include arm wrestling and weight lifting are known to increase testosterone in the body which increases semen production. This also helps in release on Nitric Oxide which is used to dilate arteries for erection.