Semen is released during ejaculation and the normal volume ranges anywhere between 2 and 5 ml per ejaculation. Abstaining from sex for a long time may cause the sperm count to increase and in turn increase semen load of a man. The semen volume does not actually vary that much when compared with the previous ejaculation. According to the world health organization, the average semen volume is about 3-5ml per ejaculation. However, this figure changes as the man ages, whereby the volume is lowest at the age of 55 years. Most men associate infertility with the semen load hence they would want to do anything to increase semen load of their ejaculations.
As a result, men tend to feel more masculine when they ejaculate a high volume of semen. However, increased semen load does not necessarily translate to more sexual pleasure for the woman. If you’re diagnosed with a low semen production, you can increase semen load through a number of healthy ways which will restore the fertile production you once had.
Ways of increasing semen load
• It is important to eat a healthy balanced diet when experiencing a low sperm count. You should try sticking to one diet that is rich in unprocessed, healthy and fresh foods. Ingredients that are modified, commonly found in processed foods, usually affect semen production.
• You should also exercise, because obesity is also another cause of low sperm production. It is also proven that with the help of regular exercises, the sperm production can increase. Aerobic exercises can greatly help to increase semen volume load. Aerobic exercises help in increasing the blood flow thereby ensuring that adequate level of oxygen is delivered to the testicles for better sperm production.
• You should also drink a lot of water so as to be as hydrated as possible. Water is the universal solution that is ideal in flashing out waste products from the body. You should therefore make a habit of drinking water regularly. The results for this are almost instant and u will experience an increase in semen volume.
• Masturbation as well as ejaculation on a daily basis will give the sperm a chance to replicate. However, these two things have to be done moderately because too much of it will lead to poor quality sperm. It’s advisable to allow a 3 day interval between ejaculations as this will increase the density of the sperm resulting in an increase in semen load.
You can also get some help from scientifically based medication substances that are available in the market today. There are semen volume pills which contain herbal extracts that are known to increase semen volume in their ingredients, all in just one convenient capsule. Taking a daily dosage of these pills can ensure that you increase semen volume by providing your body with all the required conditions for production of massive semen loads. However, efforts to increase semen load should primarily focus on increasing the activities of the seminal vesicle as well as the prostate.