Day after day there are new gimmicks each with amazing claims to increase penis size. But what really works and how do we know if they will work? Recently there has been a dramatic upsurge in supplements you can take to increase size. This article will walk you through some of the best and most effective ways to increase penis size.
The most important job of penis enlargement supplements is to increase blood flow to the penis. This is how you get and maintain an erection. The supplements usually enable blood to be sent to the penis more quickly than usual. Depending on the supplement the purpose may be two-fold: increase blood flow to the penis to get and sustain an erection and to increase penis size.
There are a variety of ways you can help increase penis size on your own. Many supplements include well known all-natural herbal remedies that are used to increase size. Gingko biloba is one of the most popular ingredients in these supplements as it aids in the production of better blood flow to the penis. Some supplements that help increase size also contain natural ginseng, a sexual aid used all over Asia and is well known for its aphrodisiac qualities and its ability to provide additional endurance and stamina. A less well known ingredient is Ying Yang Huo. This ingredient is used to boost testosterone levels and can be seen in most products on the market used to increase penis size.
Just like most medications each supplement may have side effects although these are usually quite mild and don’t really affect many men. This is one of the main benefits of using natural supplements to increase penis size. Side effects can vary from a headache to seeing spots which are a small price to pay when you want to increase size. Many men claim to have seen the effects of these supplements to increase penis size in just a few short months after starting the supplements. Some men claim to have seen as much as three inches of growth over six months, have a larger sexual appetite and their erections last longer.
The cost of these supplements is relatively cheap when you consider the alternatives. One of the biggest benefits is that they can be easily found in health stores and some supermarkets as well as online with discounts for buying in bulk. This makes it easy to try a natural way to increase penis size.