Monday, February 2, 2015

Hyperbaric treatment - an effective method for high altitude sickness

We all enjoy the magnificent view from high summit but there are many risks in going to high altitude and it is very important to understand the risks involved in it. A classic scenario for developing high altitude illness can be explained through an easy example. If someone flies from New York City to Denver at 5000 ft, in the afternoon rents a car and drive up-to trail-head at 8000 ft, followed by a hike up to 10500 ft, the very next day there begins severe headache and feeling of nausea and weakness. Scenarios like this are not very uncommon, so it is essential to understand the physiological effects of high altitude. The concentration of oxygen at sea level is about 21% and the barometric pressure averages at 760 mm Hg. As altitude increases, the concentration remains the same but the number of oxygen molecules per breath decreases and so in order to properly oxygenate the body the breathing rate has to increase. In addition to these, for unknown reasons, high altitude and lower air pressure causes fluid to leak from the capillaries which can cause fluid build-up in both the lungs and the brain. Continuing to higher altitudes without proper acclimatization can lead to potentially serious, even life-threatening illness. Hyperbaric chambers are available and are very effective in the treatment of high altitude sickness. In hyperbaric treatment, the patients are enclosed in air impermeable bags and are inflated to a pressure higher than the ambient pressure. This affects a physiological “descent “which can be demonstrated with an altimeter inside the bag, and marked improvements in oxygen saturation are measurable with a pulse oximeter.

For the hyperbaric treatment, absolute contraindications to using the bag include lack of spontaneous respiration because one cannot ventilate the patient from outside the bag. There is a “Gamow Tent” which is about twice the diameter of the standard bag, and it can accommodate two patients at the same time. This is very helpful in treating critically ill patients with a medical person present, or treating the child in the presence of the parent. In the relative contraindications to using the bag are middle ear congestion (small risk of barotraumas), inability to protect the airway in a deeply comatose patient (consider intubations), and claustrophobia.

In the hyperbaric treatment, typical treatment protocols are put to patient into the bag, pump it up until the pop-off valves hiss, and keep the patient at pressure for an hour. Unless the bag has a CO2 scrubber system, it is needed to continue pumping several times per minute to flush fresh air through the system. So, get your hyperbaric treatment done to get relieved from the high altitude sickness.

Hyperbaric chamber therapy for the treatment of bends

Hyperbaric chamber is a hard shelled pressure vessel usually made of steel and aluminum with windows made of acrylic. The chamber may also consist of one or more human entry hatches, an airlock allowing human entry, a separate chamber with two hatches, one to the outside world and one to the main chamber, which can be independently pressurized to allow patients to enter or exit the main chamber while it is still pressurized, an airlock allowing medicines, instruments and food to enter the main chamber, closed circuit TV allowing the technicians and medical staff outside the chamber to monitor the inside of the chamber, an intercom allowing two-way communications inside and outside the chamber, a carbon dioxide scrubber-consisting of a fan that passes the gas inside the chamber through a soda lime canister, a control panel outside the chamber is used to open and close valves allowing air to enter or leave the chamber and oxygen to be supplied to masks. Hyperbaric chamber therapy can easily be conducted in these chambers.

Fundamentally the in Hyperbaric chamber therapy oxygen floods the body which in turn promotes the healing process of tissue and cells, Oxygen is one of the most versatile and powerful agents available now. The therapeutic use of oxygen under pressure has been used to assist wound healing for almost 40 years; and this procedure has specific biological actions which can enhance wound healing processes.

Decompression sickness would be another cause that might require HBOT. A diver that ascends too quickly from a dive or does not carry out decompression stops after a long or deep dive, a non-pressurized aircraft that rapidly flies upwards. These situations cause excess inert gases which have dissolved in body liquids and tissues, while the gas was being inhaled at higher pressure, to come out of physical solution as the pressure reduces and form gas bubbles within the body. The main inert gas for those who breathe air is nitrogen. The bubbles result in the symptoms of decompression sickness. Inert gases are normally stored throughout the body, such as within tissues and liquids, in physical solution. When the body is exposed to decreased pressures, the excess inert gas comes out of solution in a process called “out gassing” or “off gassing”; normally most off gassing occurs by gas exchange at the lungs during exhalation. If inert gas is forced to come out of solution too quickly, bubbles form inside the body and are unable to leave through the lungs causing the signs and symptoms of the “bends”.

So, if you want to get cured of decompression sickness or “bend”, go for hyperbaric chamber therapy for the most efficient treatment of “bends”.

Hyperbaric clinic – Effective Wound treatment

In normal circumstances typically the body heals its own wounds. The process takes a couple of weeks with minor injuries but longer with more challenging wounds. Sometimes the natural wound healing process does not work. A wound might be infected, or may be a repeated injury. Sometimes there is poor blood flow to the injured area or other health conditions such as diabetes that may prevent healing. More challenging wounds take time and extra care to heal properly. These may be crush injuries or various types of ulcers, including diabetic foot ulcers or radiation ulcers. They could even be complicated post-surgical wounds. Sometimes wounds won’t heal and you don’t know why. That’s where specialized wound care in hyperbaric clinic can help.

Hyperbaric clinics treat wounds and work to prevent recurrence by correcting contributing factors such as controlling infection and enhancing medical and nutritional status. In the United States, chronic wounds affect approximately 6.5 million patients. Hyperbaric clinics are staffed with a unique team of specialists dedicated to heal chronic wounds. The causes of wounds are complex and staff’s represents expertise in all of the major areas necessary to handle various circumstances and challenges.

On visit to hyperbaric clinics a wound care specialist gives a thorough examination to determine the factors hindering the body’s natural healing process. After this examination, a team of specialists develop a care plan tailored to specific needs of the patient. The plan will include one or more of the following items depending on the needs for example physical examination of the wound, complete medical history, nutrition analysis, vascular evaluation to measure oxygen and blood flow to the wound, infection control, topical treatment and dressings, compression therapy, surgical intervention and plastic surgery, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, education about diet, lifestyle and wound care measures patients can take at home to treat their wounds and prevent future wounds. The wound patients needs to bring all medications currently being taken, list of allergies, insurance information for verification, x-rays. Tests may be conducted to determine blood flow, tissue oxygenation, infection and clinics develop a treatment program based on assessment of individual needs.

Much of the success of the treatment depends on the patient who needs to follow directions carefully and watch healing progress closely. Through a personalized a educational approach to healing, the clinics are dedicated to helping patients on a swift road to recovery.

Treating wounds is a complex task. Each case is unique. The variety of different wounds handled in the hyperbaric clinic includes any wound failing to improve with multiple treatments or therapies. So if you want to get the most effective wound treatment visit your nearest hyperbaric clinic today.

Hyperbaric Therapy – A latest and effective therapy

Hyperbaric Therapy is a very kind of therapy and works differently from other kind of medical treatment. It is a well established therapy and widely practiced. It is well capable to cure much kind of critical diseases. It is a proven therapy in all respect. Over the long practice of Hyperbaric Therapy it is perfected and made to use in multiple ways. It assures full curability at reasonable cost. It being a totally different kind of therapy its method of treatment is quite convenient for patients. It is now a most popular form of medical treatment. Hyperbaric Therapy has strong research base. There is in fact no after effect of this kind of therapy. It is also hazard free treatment with high degree of curability. It is a well directed therapy. Basic therapy is not subjected to any change but its application varies from disease to disease. Diseases have different kind of root causes but failure of immunity and vitality is common to all diseases. Hyperbaric Therapy very successfully works on these two important factors and gets the patients recovered.

Hyperbaric Therapy works on long proven theory of high intake of Oxygen of human bodies. Intake of Oxygen in body increases to a high extent under high pressure, this basic theory is made to work in very intricate ways in Hyperbaric Therapy. Oxygen is antioxidants that energizes blood cells and accelerate the speed of healing process.  In this therapy 100% pure Oxygen is made to breathe by patients in a closed and transparent chamber. Oxygen pressure is an important issue. More than atmospheric pressure is maintained. It has of course had all other variable operating parameters. The chamber is the heart of this therapy. This chamber is called hyperbaric chamber.  Hyperbaric chamber has multiple functions and operated in preset ways and have computer control devices. Every biological parameter is rightly monitored continuously. Medical data of patients are continuously analyzed through computer and application of various kind of software’s. The hyperbaric chambers are of different kind and specific to a kind of disease.

Hyperbaric Therapy is immensely beneficial for surgical patients. It reduces the chance of amputation by keeping full check on gangrene. By enhancing the pure Oxygen supply to the affected area the body cells and tissues remain alive and remain unaffected. Diabetic gets controlled through hyperbaric therapy and help in performing surgical operation in time. Since hyperbaric therapy blood cell become rich in pure oxygen and entire body gets sufficient pure Oxygen. The entire biological system gets improved in hyperbaric therapy. This greatly improves the immunity and vitality. The self defense system of body become appropriately proactive and extends auto remedies to various kinds of diseases. The patients gradually respond to recovery. There are various kinds of diseases and injuries that well respond to hyperbaric therapy. It really covers wide list of diseases. Some of them are common and some are very uncommon. Conventional method of treatment most of the time fail to give results to such uncommon diseases. Hyperbaric therapy has really raised hope of recovery to many frustrated patients.

Hyperbaric chamber therapy - A unique kind of medical treatment

Hyperbaric chamber therapy works in multiple ways. This kind of therapy is quite different from the kind of medical treatment we are used to. Hyperbaric chamber therapy is somewhat related to use of 100% pure Oxygen in many ways to cure different kind of critical diseases and injuries. It is now a well established therapy and widely practiced in medically advanced countries. Lots of practical and research evidences are there to substantiate the effectiveness of hyperbaric chamber therapy. It is a well established and recognized therapy. This is approved by the medical councils of world health organization. In contrary to critical side effects of usual form of medical treatment, it is almost free from side effects. Such kind of therapy has strong scientific base. Lots of study and medical analysis is a continuous process to deliver the ultimate medical results. Early resorting to such therapy brings wonderful results. It is fit for many kind of diseases and critical injuries. It has acceptance of modern medical science and acclaimed as the most successful and diversified therapy as well. Hyperbaric chamber therapy is cultured, practiced by highly innovative medical researchers and practitioners. This kind of therapy is now in its pick level of popularity. People in general are now widely leaning to this kind of therapy after being fully satisfied with the curability evidences. In fact it has long history before it is introduced as an effective therapy.

Hyperbaric chamber works to drive Oxygen into your blood and all other body cells and tissues. When you are suffering from any kind of disease, there occur death of many cell and tissues. Blood also carry less amount of Oxygen. All these phenomena worsen the situation and work against curability. Hyperbaric chamber therapy work not only generates blood rich in Oxygen potentiality but also check the die down happenings of cells and tissues. It rather keeps the effected cells and tissues alive and grows further. Such therapy by its pure Oxygen injection at more than atmospheric pressure in gradual courses makes the patient in complete stage of recovery. The U.S Food and drug Administration has approved hyperbaric chamber therapy to treat decompression sickness, brain abscess and injuries. Hyperbaric Oxygen chambers can dissolve Oxygen in the blood plasma and in all body cells and tissues. Body fluids become richer in Oxygen at up to 10 times its normal concentration. This enhances auto curability of specific kind of diseases and energies defense mechanism of the body.

Hyperbaric chamber is a closed and transparent vessel where the entire body of the patient is kept inside for operating the hyperbaric chamber therapy. This kind of therapy varies from disease to disease and there are innumerable controlling factors, Many sophisticated and innovative kind of computer controlled medical equipment are used in the process with high degree of precision. A patient need to attend  many such sessions  till he gets cured. Hyperbaric chamber therapy is now capable to cure many life threatening diseases such as severe carbon monoxide poisoning; radiation-induced soft-tissue injury; anemia due to severe blood loss (when transfusions are not an option); crushing injuries; poor wound healing; and osteomyelitis (chronic bone inflammation) that does not respond to standard treatment. It is really covering many other chronic diseases. The list is in fact endless. Hyperbaric chamber therapy is really a wonder in medical science.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

How to get my body backs into shape?

Clean Start

Miami detox is a good way to get your body backs into shape after all the work it has to do each day. Detox in Florida will help get your body back into shape so it can enjoy all the sun that the Sunshine state has to offer. There are many benefits to the Miami detox system.

Detox in Florida will help your body rid away about 20% of the toxins that are circulating the body. This is amazing number when thinking about all the toxins that certain foods and places our bodies have contact with every day.

Anyone suffering from annoying pain associated with arthritis will enjoy the Miami detox system because they will have some relief from the pain for some time. Heat Responsive Pain does well under this type of therapy.

Many people struggle to lose weight and will try diet after diet but not see any results. Using this type of weight loss program will help get your core body temperature up to allow the body to cool itself down which increases heart rate, cardiac output and your metabolic rate. All this will help you circulate your blood faster throughout your body and make you sweat more. Not only will you shed some pounds but also the nasty toxins that your body wants to get rid of through detox.  Florida is a great place to keep up the exercising routine also.

Lowering blood pressure can help many health problems either in the present or in the future. It will help people with heart problems feel better and hopefully not have to be on many medications. The best way to help your help is helping it naturally and not with medicine. Blood vessels will improve with detox. Florida offers many places that can help you with your recovery. Improving the status of your blood vessels will prevent build up in your vessels that can cause harm later down the road.

With the sun shining majority of the time in Florida, it's best to help your skin look and feel its best. Miami detox will improve the way your skin looks and remove any spots or problems that you skin might have. Eczema will stay at bay because the skin is moist and prevent any break outs. Your skin will be less likely to start wrinkling and keep it firm.

The easiest and safest way to make your body feel better all the way around is to rid the body of anything that can harm it from the inside and out. Start a new life and set up for a bright and healthy future with any Miami detox program. Your skin will speak for itself to everyone.

Cornell University Specialists Discuss Proper Nutrition For Pets

Many factors can have an affect on the health of a pet. Some factors cannot be helped, like age, breed, and genes. On the other hand, proper nutrition, exercise, and appropriate medical care, are all factors that can have an affect on the health of an animal, and can be adjusted or changed to help ensure the longevity of a pet's life.

Specialists at Cornell University provide nutritional consultation for both in-patients and out-patients. The nutritionists spend regular time at OCUVS, allowing in-person consultation with clients. These types of consultations allow a pets diet to be developed or adjusted to fit the pets special conditions and nutritional needs.

A dietary analysis may be completed in order to better understand the necessary nutrients for each individual animal. This type of analysis is done to help determine what nutrients a pet may be lacking.

Formulating a balanced diet is essential to a pets health and can help with conditions, like Liver disease, Kidney disease, and different types of Intestinal disorders. A unique diet formulation can provide the appropriate calories and nutrients, especially for pets with special health needs.

Studies have shown, even when a pet is being administered plenty of food, on a proper feeding schedule, they may not be absorbing the proper nutrition necessary for health and survival. Cornell University specialists are trained to determine a formulated and balanced diet, to ensure the optimal health of a pet.

Nutrition services at OCUVS are provided by faculty from Cornell University's College of Veterinary medicine. These specialists work together to analyze and facilitate a diet that will ensure a pet's health and wellness throughout the course of it's life. Just like humans, making appropriate changes to a pets diet is a great way to help an animal feel better and live longer.